我国沿海五省市致病性弧菌的分布调查及病原学研究 |
吴 玲1 张景隆1 倪语星2 周云昌3 杜 源1
摘要 为了解致病性弧菌在我国沿海地区的分布情况及致病规律,对沿海5省市10个地区的51份水样及食品进行了微生物学检测和病原学调查,结果共检出致病性弧菌45株,以豚鼠气单胞菌(26.7%)、溶藻弧菌(22.2%)和副溶血弧菌(11.1%)占多数,这与从急性感染性腹泻病人粪便中分离的弧菌主要菌种基本相同。东海、南海和黄海致病性弧菌的分离率相近,在67%~77%。29份水源水中有27份检出致病性弧菌,检出率为93.1%,共检出38株菌,主要分布在江水(31.5%)、河水(26.3%),其次为海水和塘水(均为21.1%)。结果表明,致病性弧菌在水源水中的分布与其致病性密切相关,应加强致病性弧菌的监控、诊断和治疗,以降低发病率。 关键词 致病性弧菌 病原学
A Study on the Distribution and Etiology of Pathogenic Vibrio in the 5 Coastal Provinces of China Wu Ling*, Zhang Jinglong,Ni Yuxing,et al. *No.411 Navy Hospital,Shanghai 200081 Abstract In order to understand the distribution and pathogenicity of vibrio in the coastal areas of China, a study consisted of 51 water samples and foodstuff from 10 different areas in 5 provinces was conducted microbiologically and etiologically. Results showed that 45 pathogenic vibrio were identified,with majority of A.caviae (26.7%),V.alginolyticus(22.2%) and V.parahaemolyticus (11.1%),same kinds of vibrio found in feces from patients with acute infectious diarrhea.Prevalence rates of pathogenic vibrio identified from the East China Sea, the South China Sea and the Yellow Sea were between 66%-77%. The detection rate of pathogenic vibrio in 29 water samples was 93.1%(27/29) with 38 strains isolated mainly in river water(57.8%), followed by in sea water(21.1%) and pool water(21.1%). The results revealed that the distribution of pathogenic vibrio in different waters was closely related to its pathogenecity, providing evidence that vibrio diarrhea be supervised,diagnosed and treated in order to decrease the incidence of the disease. Key words Pathogenic vibrio Etiology
一、材料: [1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 乙型和丙型肝炎病毒重叠感染的研究 下一个医学论文: 江苏黄泛平原高碘甲状腺肿地方性流行的证实和流行病学研究