海南省传染病漏报调查分析 |
摘要:目的为探讨法定传染病疫情的报告情况和漏报原因,为制订传染病防治策略提供理论依据。方法 采用分层抽样和随机抽样方法对15家医疗机构和2 937名疟区居民进行流行病学调查。结果医疗机构传染病漏报率为44.40%,个体诊所最为严重,既不填写传染病登记本,也不报告疫情。漏报较严重的病种是疟疾、肝炎、梅毒、淋病。居民疟疾漏报率为91.73%,不同疟区差异具有显著性(P<0.01)。结论传染病疫情报告存在严重的漏报,应不断完善报告制度,提高报告质量。 关键词:传染病 疫情 漏报
Analysis on the mis-reported cases of infectious diseases in Hainan Province
PAN Xianhai.
Hainan Provincial Hygiene and Epidemic Station,Haikou 570203
Abstract Objective To investigate the reasons for mis-reporting cases and to furnish theoretical foundation for the control of infectious diseases. Method 15 hospitals and 2 937 residents were selected and studied through random and systematic sampling methods in Hainan Province. Results Data showed that the mis-reporting rate in clinics was 44.40%, among which the private-ran clinics had a highest mis-reported records. They not only failed to fill in the forms of reporting infectious diseases, but also neglected to report epidemic information. Malaria, hepatitis, syphilis and gonorrhea were among the highest mis-reported diseases with malaria the most (91.73% mis-reporting rate). Remarkable difference was noticed in various hospitals (P<0.01). Conclusion The author concluded that many infectious diseases were seriously mis-reported, indicating the reporting system should be improved and the quality be enhanced. Key words Infectious diseases Missing case Analysis
对象与方法 一、调查对象:随机抽取全省15所医疗机构,其中省级医院1所,市(县)级医院4所,乡镇卫生院和个体诊所各5所。调查内容为疫情报告制度执行情况,及医务人员对疫情报告的认识。 二、调查方法:在全省高中疟区随机抽取11个自然村和4个农场连队,每个单位150~200人,由经过培训的调查员利用调查表逐户访问,内容包括疟疾的患病、诊断、治疗和疫情登记报告情况。随机抽取一个县,对该县所属的乡镇卫生院全部进行调查,了解疟疾疫情的报告情况。
结 果 一、疟疾疫情报告情况:调查的11个自然村中,7个为海南省高疟区,4个为中疟区,共调查440户,2 382人;调查农场[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 1950 1994年我国火灾的流行病学分析 下一个医学论文: 乙型和丙型肝炎病毒重叠感染的研究