1950 1994年我国火灾的流行病学分析 |
吴赤蓬 王声湧
摘要:目的分析火灾的危险因素,探讨火灾的防范措施,预防和控制火灾对人所造成的伤害。方法 采用历史回顾法对我国1950年至1994年间火灾发生的流行病学特征以及起火原因进行了描述性研究。结果1950~1994年间我国共发生了2 905 504次火灾,平均每年约有64 567次火灾,死亡3 432人,烧伤6 726人。70年代中期以来,火灾年平均伤亡率有所下降,1990年后又有上升趋势。火灾造成的经济损失逐年大幅度上升,1994年火灾损失近13亿元,次均损失比1990年增长了226.8%。89.4%的火灾系人为因素所致。近10年来,四川、云南、江苏、浙江和广东等地的火灾发生数和伤亡人数最多,伤亡人数和经济损失都以广东省独占鳌头。对全国17个部门火灾情况的分析结果表明,除森林火灾之外,农村和城市居民区的火灾发生数最多(占24%),人员伤亡占28.4%。冬季火灾较频繁,夏季火灾较少。结论我国火灾在总体水平上并未得到有效控制。 关键词:火灾 伤害
Epidemiological analysis of the fires happened in China from 1950 to 1994
WU Chipeng, WANG Shengyong.
The Preventive Medicine Department of Medical College of Jinan University, Guangzhou 510632
Abstract Objective Approaching the harmful factors and the preventive steps of fires for controlling and preventing fires from harming people. Method Descriptive analysis was used to review 2 905 504 fires-cases in China from 1950 to 1994. Results On average,there were 3 432 people died and 6 726 injured in 64 567 fires per year. From the middle of 70 s, the means of injured and death rates decreased slightly, but have gone up a little after 80 s. The economical loss has risen greatly year after year, reaching the maximum of 1.3 billion Yuan (RMB) in 1994. The loss of a fire case in 1994 was more than twice than that in 1990. 89.4% fires were caused by man s faults. The fire cases in Sichuan, Yunnan, Jiangshu, Zhejiang and Guangdong Provinces were more serious than the average, of which Guangdong was the worst. Data from 17 departments showed that, the fire frequency in residential quarters of cities and countryside were highest (24%), and the number of injury and death accounted for 28.4%. The fire happens frequently in winter, and least in summer. Conclusions The problem caused by accounted fire has not been controlled effectively. Key words Fire Injury
在各类自然灾害中,火灾是一种不受时间、空间限制,发生频率最高的灾害[1]。火灾不仅烧毁财物,造成严重的经济损失,而且国务院侨务办公室重点科研基金和广东省卫生厅科研基金资助项目可以致人死伤[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 儿童哮喘病遗传流行病学研究 下一个医学论文: 海南省传染病漏报调查分析