育龄妇女贫血状况调查及影响因素分析 |
王临虹 赵更力 陈丽君 沈黎阳 渠川琰
摘要:目的了解育龄妇女贫血患病状况及与贫血发生的有关影响因素。方法 对北京市区及郊区农村、工厂、机关、学校的15~49岁育龄妇女1 529人进行血红蛋白(Hb)和红细胞内游离原卟啉(FEP)检测,同时进行有关影响因素的问卷调查,应用计算机SPSS/PC软件进行统计分析。结果在所调查的1 529名年龄15~49岁育龄妇女中,血红蛋白平均值为116.35g/L(SD14.67g/L),贫血患病率为31.2%,其中绝大多数为缺铁性贫血。本调查分析与贫血发生有关的影响因素有职业、受教育程度、婚姻状况、月经、家庭消费结构、体育锻炼等。结论育龄期妇女贫血发生率很高,应引起高度重视,并应针对影响贫血发生的主要因素进行预防和控制,减少贫血的发生。 关键词:育龄妇女 贫血 影响因素
Investigation on the prevalence and influencing factors to anemia in women at reproductive age
WANG Linhong,ZHAO Gengli,CHEN Lijun,et al.
The First Teaching Hospital of Beijing Medical University, Beijing 100034
Abstract:Objective To investigate the prevalence of anemia in women of reproductive age and to analyze the influencing factors in anemia. Methods A total number of 1 529 women aged 15-49 years old including workers, farmers, cadres and students were tested with Hb and FEP and investigated through questionnaire including related influencing factors. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS/PC statistical software. Results Mean value of Hb was 116.35g/L (SD 14.67g/L) in 1 529 cases and the prevalence rate of anemia was 31.2%. Majority of the anemia identified belonged to the ‘iron deficiency type’. Influencing factors on anemia included occupation, education, marriage status, menstruation, status of family expenses and physical exercise. Conclusion The prevalence rate of anemia in reproductive aged women was high, thus more attention should be paid. In order to lower the incidence of anemia, preventive and intervenient measurements should be conducted accordingly. Key words:Women of reproductive age Anemia Influencing factor
资料与方法 一、研究对象[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 纵向生命质量资料分析的Markov过程法及其应用 下一个医学论文: 浙江省0 2岁儿童先天性心脏病患病率研究