缺血预处置及磷酸肌酸对心肌缺血 再灌注羟自由基生成的影响 |
毛东伟 赵玉娟 朱世军 王孝铭
摘 要 目的:探讨缺血预处置及磷酸肌酸对.OH的影响。方法:以离体大鼠心脏为模型,以水杨酸为捕捉剂,利用其与再灌注产生的羟自由基(.OH)反应生成的二羟苯甲酸(DHBA)为指标,用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法检测缺血心肌再灌注冠脉流出液和心肌组织中DHBA含量。结果:缺血再灌注冠脉流出液和心肌DHBA生成增多,与对照组相比差异非常显著,缺血预处置组与非处置组相比DHBA生成明显降低,而且四次预处置组低于一次预处置组;缺血前给予磷酸肌酸使DHBA生成明显减低,但与缺血预处置并用组无明显差异。结论:缺血预处置与磷酸肌酸可以通过减少缺血再灌注心肌.OH的生成保护心肌,但二者无协同作用,且缺血预处置有累加作用。 主题词 局部缺血;再灌注;自由基;磷酸肌酸
The effect of ischemia preconditioning and phosphocreatine on the.OH formation of ischemia/reperfusion hearts
MAO Dong-Wei, ZHAO Yu-Juan,ZHU Shi-Jun, WANG Xiao-Ming The 211 Hospital of PLA, Harbin (150086)
Abstract AIM:To study the effect of ischemia preconditioning and phosphocreatine on the .OH formation. METHOD:Langendorff perfusion technique of rat heart with Krebs-Henseleit buffer (KHB) and HPLC with ultraviolet detector were used to detect the DHBAs formed in myocardium and released into the coronary effluent after reaction of .OH with sailicylic acid as a trapper.RESULTS:Formation of DHBAs in ischemia 40 min in reperfusion group increased very significantly as compared with control. The formation of DHBAs after one and four cycles of ischemia preconditioning decreased very signifi cantly while compared with untreated group (I40R), and four cycles of ischemia precondtioning was superior to one cycle (P<0.01). Phosphocreatine could significantly decrease the DHBAs but had no difference with the effect of phosphocreatine between preconditioning group and PC1 group statistically. CONCLUSIONS:Ischemia preconditioning can reduce*OH production by preserving energy reserve and the multiple treatment is more effective than a single one. Phosphocreatine can also reduce .OH formation by unknown mechanisms. But ischemia preconditioning plus PCr have not shown more effective results than the single preconditioning and the single PC1 treatment. MeSH Ischemia; Reperfusion; Free radicals; Phosphocreatine
预处置是在长时间缺血前给予短期缺血再灌注的一种措施。目前对缺[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 急性心肌梗塞患者外周血活性T淋巴细胞亚群的研究 下一个医学论文: 精