中国新兵SCL 90常模的建立 |
王家华 张凤刚 宋林琳 王佐良 田 疆 邹华根 刘清波 张万恒 刘爱昌 王惠利
【摘 要】 目的:建立新兵SCL—90常模,为新兵和应征青年的心理学研究提供本底资料。方法:对来自24个省、市、自治区的6375名新兵进行SCL-90测试,并将结果与中国正常人常模和中国军人常模进行比较。结果:新兵组的SCL—90总分为139.73±22.43,阳性项目数为26.41±16.82,各因子分均值为1.38~1.73。除敌对外,因子分均高于中国正常人常模。总分、阳性项目数和躯体化、强迫、人际关系敏感、抑郁、敌对、偏执因子分均显著低于中国军人常模,恐怖分高于中国军人常模,焦虑和精神病性的因子分与中国军人常模间无显著性差别。结论:中国正常人常模和中国军人常模不能很客观地反映新兵的心理卫生状况,建立新兵SCL—90常模对于征兵中筛查和新兵期的心理卫生研究有重要价值。 【关键词】 新兵 SCL—90 常模
The Development of Norm of SCL-90 in Chinese Recruit
Wang Jiahua Zhang Fenggang Song Linlin et al. (Xijing Hospital of the Fourth Army Medical University, Xi an, CHINA 710032)
【Abstract】Objective: To determine the norm of Symptom Checklist-90 (SCL-90) in Chinese recruits and provide basic data for psychological research in recruits. Methods: A total of 6375 recruits from 24 provinces were tested with SCL-90. The results were compared with the norms of normal Chinese and Chinese serviceman. Results: In the group of recruits, the total score was 139.73±22.43, the positive items 26.41±16.82, and the mean factorial score 1.38-1.73. The factorial scores except that of hostility were all higher than the norm of normal Chinese. The total score, the number of positive items and many factorial scores including somatization, obsession, interpersonal sensitivity, depression, hostility and paranoid were significantly lower than the norm of Chinese serviceman, but the score of phobia was higher than the norm of Chinese serviceman and those of anxiety and psychotic had no significant difference from norm. Conclusions: The norms of Chinese serviceman and normal Chinese can not reflect the psychological conditions of Chinese recruits. The development of the norm of SCL-90 in recruits has important value in the screen-out of recruits and the psychological research of recruits. 【Key words】recruits SCL-90 norm▲
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