茶对小鼠免疫功能的保护作用 |
朱茂祥1 龚诒芬1 杨陟华1 葛桂秀1 韩驰2 陈君石2
【摘要】 目的 探讨茶叶防癌的免疫调节机理。方法 用致癌剂4-甲基亚硝胺-1-(3-吡啶)-1-丁酮(NNK)诱发小鼠肿瘤的实验模型,观察NNK所致小鼠免疫功能的改变及绿茶(GT)、复合茶(MT)和茶多酚(TP)的保护作用。结果 小鼠注射NNK后,在观察的4周内,腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能、外周血白细胞化学发光、迟发型变态反应、脾细胞抗体生成细胞数、以及脾NK活性等免疫指标,与正常对照组比较均出现不同程度的增高或降低;而GT、MT和TP对所有这些免疫功能的不良改变有明显的保护作用。结论 茶及其成分对NNK诱发小鼠肿瘤过程中早期所致免疫功能的改变具有保护作用。 【关键词】 茶 4-甲基亚硝胺-1-(3-吡啶)-1-丁酮 免疫活性
Protective Effect of Tea on Immune Function in Mice
Zhu Maoxiang, Gong Yifen, Yang Zhihua, et al. Institute of Radiation Medicine Academy of Military Medical Sciences Beijing 100850
【Abstract】 Objective To study the mechanism of preventive effect of tea on cancer by immune regulation. Methods A tumor model was induced in mice using carcinogen, 4-methyl-nitrosoamino-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK), to examine their changes in immune function and the effects of green tea, mixed tea and polyphenol on protection from tumor. Results During the four weeks of observation after injection of NNK into mice, their immunological indicators, such as cytophagocytosis of macrophage in the abdominal cavity, chemiluminescence of peripheral leukocyte, delayed allergic reaction, count of antibody-forming spleen cells and activity of spleen nature killer cells, etc. increased or decreased to various extent, as compared with those in normal controls. It was found that whether green tea, mixed tea or polyphenol all showed significant protection from adverse changes in immune functions. Conclusion Tea and its components had significant protection from early adverse changes in immune function in tumorgenesis induced by NNK.
【Key words】 Tea 4-methyl-nitrosoamino-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK) Immunocompetence
烟草能引起人类多种癌症,特别是与80%以上肺癌发生密切相关[1]。目前已明确的50余种烟草致癌物中包括7种烟草特异亚硝胺,其中4-甲基亚硝胺-1-(3-吡啶)-1-丁酮(4-methylnitrosamino-1-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone,NNK)最典型,它在烟草中含量高[(1~100)×10-6]致癌性强,被广泛应用于烟草的致癌研究[2]。实验研究证实,NNK可诱发大鼠、小鼠和地鼠等多种动物的肿瘤,尤其以肺癌更为显著[3~5]。茶叶及其成分[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 铜绿微囊藻毒素的肝细胞毒性及活性氧生成作用 下一个医学论文: 饮茶抑制大鼠体内杂环胺