中国仓鼠肺成纤维细胞过氧化适应及其机理 |
薛丽君 金中初
【摘要】 目的 为研究真核细胞过氧化适应反应及其可能机理。方法 在中国仓鼠肺成纤维细胞(CHL)上,通过低剂量H2O2预处理,观察细胞和DNA对高剂量H2O2再处理的适应反应,同时测定CAT酶和PARP的变化及其在适应DNA断裂中的作用。结果 在细胞活力和DNA断裂水平上均观察到非致死性适应反应,然而这两种水平的适应模式(条件)有所不同,提示两者可能存在不同的诱导适应的途径。低剂量H2O2可诱导CAT酶活性增高,并与抑制DNA断裂的适应效应具有相关性(r=0.95,P<0.05),同时PARP阻断剂3-氨基苯胺(3-AB)可明显抑制DNA断裂水平的适应反应。结论 CHL细胞系存在细胞活力变化和DNA断裂的过氧化非致死性适应。CAT和PARP参与过氧化DNA断裂的适应诱导。 【关键词】 过氧化氢 氧化性应激
Adaptive Response of CHL to Hydrogen Peroxide Induced Oxidative Stress and the Mechanism
Xue Lijun, Jin Zhongchu. Department of Pathophysiology, Zhejiang Medical University, Hangzhou 310031
【Abstract】 Objective To study peroxidative adaptive response of eukaryocyte and its mechanisms. Methods Chinese hamster fibroblast cells (CHL) pretreated with low concentration of hydrogenperoxide(H2O2) were retreated by the following high concentration of H2O2. Cellular viability (MTT method) and DNA strand break (FADU method), as adaptive-acting indicators were selected. Meanwhile, CAT activity and PARP were separately determined on the adaptive response to DNA strand break. Results There were peroxidative adaptive responses to non-lethal damage of high concentration H2O2 in both cellular viability and DNA strand break levels; but adaptive models (conditions) between the two levels were different. The CAT activity induced by the low level of H2O2 was enhanced and related to peroxidative adaptation to DNA break. Furthermore, PARP blocker, 3-AB, markedly inhibited the adaptive response to DNA-strand break. Conclusion Two models adaptation may be via different inducible adaptive pathways. CAT and PARP participated in the induction of peroxidative adaptation to DNA strand break. 【Key words】 Hydrogen peroxide Oxidative stress
适应是机体通过低剂量的预处理后对高剂量攻击作用产生耐受的一种现象。已证明射线、活性氧(ROS)等存在这种氧化适应现象[1~3]。 近年来,真核细胞的过氧化适应大多仍停留在对细胞致死性适应的研究[3,4],在细胞存活的情况下,低剂量过氧化氢(H2O2)能否诱导对其高浓度造成的细胞活力下降及DNA断裂具有抑制作用还不甚清楚。此外有研究表明[2,5],不同细胞诱导抗氧化酶的水平截[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 不同频率及功率密度毫米波辐射对子代的影响 下一个医学论文: 转基因细胞系CHL