职业性铝接触对作业工人心理及行为功能的影响 |
郭贵文1 马惠荣2 王新世2 郝永义2 梁友信1
【摘要】 目的 探索铝的神经毒性和职业性铝作业工人的心理和神经行为功能改变。方法 采用WHO推荐的神经行为测试组合,对103名铝作业工人和64名对照工人进行心理状况调查和神经行为功能测试,同时对作业环境空气中铝浓度和作业工人尿铝水平进行测定。结果 铝作业工人尿铝含量明显高于对照组工人,两组差异有显著性。铝接触工龄>10年的工人紧张、忧郁、愤怒、疲劳和困惑情感得分均高于对照组工人;手提转捷度、数字译码和目标追踪得分显著降低。而铝接触工龄≤10年的工人除目标追踪得分明显降低外,未发现其他行为功能和心理指标改变。结论 长期职业性铝接触可以引起作业工人出现明显的心理状态、神经运动速度和准确性以及运动协调能力的改变。 【关键词】 铝 心理学 行为医学
Psychological and Neurobehavioral Effects of Aluminum on Exposed Workers
Guo Guiwen*, Ma Huirong, Wang Xinshi, et al. *Department of Occupational Health, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200032
【Abstract】 Objective To explore neurotoxicity and the changes in psychological and neurobehavioral functions in workers exposed to aluminum. Methods Psychological status and neurobehavioral functions of 103 exposed workers and 64 controls were examined with Neurobehavioral Core Test Battery recommended by World Health Organization (WHO), and meanwhile, air concentrations of aluminum in the workplaces and urine levels of aluminum in the exposed workers were determined. Results Urine levels of aluminum in the exposed workers were markedly higher than those in non-exposed controls, with a statistical significance. Scores for tension, depression, anger, fatigue and confusion in the workers exposed to aluminum for more than ten years were significantly more than those in non-exposed controls. Scores of the performance of Santa Ana, digit symbol and pursuit aiming in the former were significantly lower, and no other changes in psychological and behavioral functions was found in workers exposed for less than ten years, except for their scores of pursuit aiming. Conclusion Obvious changes in psychological status, neuromotor speed and their accuracy were observed in workers exposed to aluminum for a long term. 【Key words】 Aluminum Psychology Behavioral medicine
近年来的研究认为,铝作为一种潜在的神经毒物,可能损害认知功能。对职业性铝作业人群的研究发现[1],铝尘可以经呼吸道吸收,铝作业工人体[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 高流行区甲型肝炎疫苗免疫方案研究 下一个医学论文: 不同频率及功率密度毫米波辐射对子代的影响