我国不同地区分离的七株庚型肝炎病毒5非编码区部分核酸序列比较 |
汪兴太1 庄辉2 宋海波3 李河民1 张华远1 于洋1 林京香1
【摘要】 目的 探索中国株庚型肝炎病毒(HGV)基因的变异。方法 采用HGV中国株5’非编码区序列设计引物、逆转录套式聚合酶链反应法,检测中国不同地区血清中的HGV RNA,7份阳性产物采用ABI Prism 377 DNA自动测序仪进行序列测定。结果 测定的2l3个碱基中,7株中国HGV分离株与非洲株GBV-C(u 36380)序列同源性分别为88.26%、85.92%、88.26%、85.45%、86.85%、85.92%和88.26%,与美国株HGV(u 44402)序列同源性分别为92.02%、86.85%、86.67%、89.20%、89.67%、89.67%和9l.55%,而中国HGV分离株间的同源性均高于92.02%。结论 中国HGV分离株基因型不同于美国报道的GBV-C和HGV亚型。 【关键词】 肝炎病毒,庚型 聚合酶链反应
Comparison of Partial Sequencing of 5 Non-coding Region of Seven HGV Strains Isolated from Different Areas in China
Wang Xingtai*, Zhuang Hui, Song Haibo, et al. *National Institute for The Control of Pharmaceutical And Biological Products, Beijing 100050
【Abstract】 Objective To explore the variation of Chinese hepatitis G virus (HGV) strains. Methods HGV RNA was detected by reverse transcription nested polymerase chain reaction (RT-nPCR) with a designed primer derived from the 5 non-coding region of Chinese HGV strains. HGV cDNA was sequenced in seven samples with positive products by ABI prism 377 DNA automatic sequencer. Results Homology of nucleotide sequence of the 5 non-coding region of HGV strains in seven Chinese strains was 88.26%, 85.92%, 88.26%, 85.45%, 86.85%, 85.92% and 88.26%, respectively, as compared with the African strains GBV-C (u 36380), and 92.02%, 86.85%, 86.67%, 89.02%, 89.67%, 89.67% and 91.55%, respectively, as compared with the strains isolated from the U.S. (u 44402). Homology of nucleotide sequence was 92.02% to 97.18% between HGV strains isolated in China. Conclusion Genotypes of Chinese HGV strains differ from those of GBV-C and HGV subtypes reported in the U.S. 【Key words】 Hepatitis G virus Polymerase chain reaction
有研究表明,丙型肝炎病毒存在地域异源性和高度可变性[1~5]。庚型肝炎病毒(HGV)也属于黄病毒科,是否也存在不同基因型,引起各国学者的关注[6~8]。由于HGV 5’端非编码区相对较保守,本研究应用HGV 5’端非编码区设计引物,对我国不同地区分离的7株HGV作核苷酸序列测定。结果如下。
1.血清来源:HGV RNA阳[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 十株产色素非O1群霍乱弧菌的发现与研究 下一个医学论文: 高流行区甲型肝炎疫苗免疫方案研究