人类疱疹病毒7型DNA断裂包装位点序列分析 |
唐晓鹏 郑宣鹤 Nanette Van Loon
作者单位:410011 长沙,湖南医科大学第二附属医院传染病科 (唐晓鹏,郑宣鹤); Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical School,University of Rochester,USA (Nanette Van Loon)
【 摘要 】目的测定分析人类疱疹病毒7型(HHV7)DNA末端、断裂位点及包装信号的基因序列。 方 法 HHV7感染Sup-T1细胞后提取DNA,PCR扩增待测DNA片断,与质粒载体连接后筛选目 的基因克隆,双脱氧末端终止法测定目的基因序列。 结果 经测序后得到了HHV7 DNA末端及 其断裂位点和包装信号的基因序列。分析比较后发现在靠近HHV7 DNA末端的基因序列中存在 与人类端粒重复序列相同的基元序列GGGTTA。HHV7断裂位点具有pac 2·X·pac l的排列, HHV7的断裂位点位于包装信号pac 1及pac 2之间,只有当三者同时存在时才能构成一个完 整的断裂包装位点。并且只有当复制型HHV7 DNA环化时才能形成完整的断裂包装位点。 结论 HHV7 pac 1的基因序列与HHV6 pac 1的基因序列具有较高同源性。HHV7与HHV6具有相似 的DNA末端基因结构。
【 主题词 】 人类疱疹病毒7型 基因,病毒 序列分析 DNA,病毒
The sequence of putative cleavage site and packaging signal of human he rpesvirus 7 Tang Xiaopeng*,Zheng Xuanhe,Nanette Van Loon.*Departme nt of Infectious Diseases,Second Affiliated Hospital,Hunan Medical University,Changsha 410011
【 Abstract 】 Objective To sequence and analyse the human herpesvir us 7(HHV7)genomictermini,putative cleavage site and packaging signa ls. Methods HHV7 DNA was prepared from HHV7 infected Sup T1 cells.The D NA fragments was amplified by PCR and subcloned into plasmid vectors,t hen sequenced with dideoxynucoleotide chain termination method. Res ults The sequences of HHV7 genomic termini,putative cleavage site an d packaging signals were sequenced and compared with those of HHV6.A(GG GTTA) motif identical to the human telomeric repeat sequence(TRS) was i dentified adjacent to the genome termini of HHV7.The arrangement of pa c 2·X·pac 1 was found in HHV7,where X is the putative cleavage site.The re is a high homology between pac 1 motif of HHV7 and that of HHV6.Conclus ion HHV7 and HHV6 share a similar terminal genomic organization.The i ntact cleavage-packaging site of HHV7 is com[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 感染人体的博尔纳病病毒ORF 基因前部片段的检测 下一个医学论文: 散发性戊型肝炎病毒部分核苷酸序列分析