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马凤蓉 朱立平 张立新 李波 张淑珍 王汛 李国燕 赵方萄 崔莲仙

作者单位:100005 北京,中国医学科学院基础医学研究所,


【 摘要 】目的 鉴于5C5 cDNA(613bp)的2~450bp 与 HSMRP17 mRNA(1008bp)的
本研究旨在探究两者是否属同一物。 方法 多个人B细胞株用单抗5C5-G1作间接免
疫荧光染色,激光扫描共聚焦显微镜观察。 结果 5C5-G1单抗识别分子表达于
化晚期B细胞SKW6为弱阳性。 结论 5C5 cDNA与HSMRP17 mRNA 不属同一基因;单抗5C5-
【 主题词 】 抗体,单克隆 5C5 cDNA B细胞胞膜 显微镜检查

The differentiation antigen recognized by McAb 5C5-G1 is expressed on t
he surface of activated B cells Ma Fengrong,Zhu Liping,Zhang Lixin, e
t al.Department of Immunology,Institute of Basic Medical Sciences,C
hinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College,B
eijing 100005

【 Abstract 】 Objective Since the homology between 2-450bp of 5C5 c
DNA (GenBank accession number U25041)and 560-1008bp of HSMRP17 mRNA (Ge
nBank accession number X79685)reaches 95% and protein MRPL12 encoded
by HSMRP17 mRNA is expressed and accumulated during the G1 phase of grow
th-stimulated cells,the objective of the experiment is to estimate if t
he proteins encoded by the two genes are the same. Methods The indirect i
mmunofluorescence staining was done on several human B cell lines with
McAb 5C5-G1 and examination was carried out under a laser scanning confo
cal microscope. Results It was observed that the protein recognized by
McAb 5C5-G1 was only found on the membrane of 3D5 cells,and not in the cyto
plasm, while MRPL12 was only found in mitochondria. Besides,the react
ion between human pro-B cell line Nalm-6 and McAb 5C5-G1 was negative,the
reaction between Daudi, 3D5 cells and the McAb was strongly positive,a
nd SKW-6 cell was week

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