人重组C3片段通过IL |
宋泉声 张颍妹 梁红梅 韩文玲 马大龙
作者单位:100083 北京医科大学卫生部医学免疫学重点实验室
【 摘要 】 目的 研究补体C3片段的体外生物学活性及其作用机理,进一步探讨C3片段 与免疫细胞的关联。 方法 利用重组DNA技术表达纯化C3活性片段(命名为C33),观察其对I L-2依赖性的小鼠杀伤性T细胞株CTLL-2细胞的促增殖够部分地被抗小鼠CD11b抗体所封闭, 能够完全被抗小鼠IL-2抗体所封闭;分子杂交显示C33蛋白能够明显刺激CTLL-2细胞的IL- 2 mRNA表达。 结论 人重组C3片段C33可通过IL-2的自分泌效应对CTLL细胞产生促增殖作 用,补体受体CR3参与这一作用。
【 主题词 】 补体3 补体3受体 CTLL细胞 白细胞介素-2
Stimulating effect of recombinant human C3 fragment on CTLL-2 cells by a pathway of autocrine of interleukin-2 Song Quansheng,Zhang Yingmei, Liang Hongmei,et al.Laboratory of Medical Immunology,Beijing Medic al University,Beijing 100083
【 Abstract 】 Objective To study the in vitro bioactivity of comp lement C3 fragment and research for its mechanism. Methods A bioactiv e fragment of C3 with RGD sequence(namely C33)was expressed and purifie d by using recombinant DNA techniques and its effect on the murine cytot oxicity T cell line(CTLL-2 cells)was studied.In order to research the me chanism of the C33,different antibodies were used to block the effects of C33 and molecular hybridization technique was used to study the tran scription of IL-2 mRNA. Results It was showed that the C33 proteins cou ld dose-dependently stimulate the proliferation of CTLL-2 cells.The e ffect of C33 could be partly inhibited by anti-mouse CD11b antibody and c ompletely inhibited by anti-mouse interleukin-2(IL-2) antibody.RNA hy bridization determined that C33 protein stimulated significantly th e expression of IL-2 mRNA in CTLL-2 cells. Conclusions The results sugge st that recombinant human C3 fragments possess stimulating effect on C TLL-2 cells by a pathway of autocrine of IL-2 and the complement receptor CR3 involved their interaction.
【 Subject words 】 Complement 3 Complement 3 receptors CTLL cell Interleukin-2 补体C3在机体的免疫应答中[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 人亲环素A基因的克隆及在大肠杆菌中的表达 下一个医学论文: 单抗5C5