军校大学生书法训练的情绪效应初步研究 |
罗正学 苗丹民 安超 高尚仁
【摘 要】 目的:探讨书法训练对军校大学生情绪变化的影响。方法:将90名男性军校大学生分为毛笔组、钢笔组和对照组三个组;毛笔组和钢笔组被试在一个月内按每日30分钟分别进行毛笔书写和钢笔书写训练,分别在实验前、中和后作SCL-90症状自评量表的评定,并完成三次书写作业。结果:毛笔组、钢笔组和对照组三组间SCL-90测验的总分、阳性项目数、阳性症状均分均无显著性差异;毛笔组组内SCL-90总分和阳性症状均分三次测验间有显著性差异并呈下降趋势,而钢笔组和对照组前后三次均无显著性差异;毛笔书写认真程度与情绪障碍改善有一定的关系。结论:书法训练对改善军校大学生在紧张环境下的不良情绪有较好的效果。 【关键词】 军校大学生 SCL-90 书法训练
A Preliminary Study of Emotional Effect of Calligraphy Training on Cadets
Luo Zhengxue An Chao Gao Shangren et al. (Department of Psychology, the Fourth Military Medical University, Xi an, Shanxi Province, CHINA 710032)
【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the effects of calligraphy training on emotion of cadets. Methods: A total of 90 cadets were divided into three groups: brush writing, pen writing and control group. The former two groups wrote 30 minutes everyday for 30 days. On days 1, 15 and 30, all cadets were evaluated by SCL-90 and wrote three pieces of works. Results: There was no significant differences in the total score, the number of positive symptom and the scores of positive symptom of the SCL-90 among three groups. The total score and the score of positive symptom in brush writing group presented a significant diffcrence among three assessments and had decling tendency with time, while pen writing and control group had no significant changes in three assessments. The attitude of the cadets for the task was related to the improvement of bad mood. Conclusions: Calligraphy training can effectively improve the adverse emotion of cadets under stressful environment. 【Key words】cadet Symptom Checklist 90 calligraphy training▲
被试 陆军学院大学三年级男性学员共114名,根据被试自愿选择,分为毛笔组、钢笔组和对照组,其中24名因执行特殊训练任务中途退出实验,实际完成实验人数90名,平均年龄23.9岁,毛笔组[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 社会支持 心理控制感和心理健康的关系研究 下一个医学论文: 慢性多相性应激对老龄鼠心肌脂质过氧化和超微结构的影响