社会支持 心理控制感和心理健康的关系研究 |
闻吾森 王义强 赵国秋 孙建胜
【摘 要】 目的:为探讨社会支持、心理控制感对心理健康的影响,及社会支持与心理控制感之间的关系。方法:采用社会支持、心理控制感及3个心理健康评定量表对2723名成年被试者进行测量。结果:社会支持和心理控制感对心理健康有重要影响,社会支持水平低下、外控心理倾向的人主观幸福度低,心理症状多,心理健康水平低;同时还发现,内外控制感对社会支持水平也产生影响,内在控制感强的人所获得的社会支持更多。结论:提示社会支持和心理控制感都是影响心理健康水平的中介因素,研究这二个中介因素之间的关系对维护个体的心理健康,探讨心理障碍产生的心理机制都很有意义。 【关键词】 社会支持 心理控制感 主观幸福感 心理健康
Research on the Relationship between Social Support, Psychological Control and Psychological Health
Wen Wusen Wang Yiqiang Sun Jiansheng et al. (The First People s Hospital of Xiaoshan, Zhejiang Province, CHINA 311201)
【Abstract】Objective: To investigate the effects of social support andfeeling of psychological control on mental health and the relationship between social support and psychological control. Methods: A total of 2723 adult subjects were sampled from a population receiving health examination. All were assessed by Social Support Scale, adult Nowicki-strickland internal-External control scale (ANSIE) and three psychological scales including Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90), General Well-Being Schedule (GWB) and Memorial University of Newfoudland Scale of Happiness (MUNSH). Results: Social support and psychological control sensation had important influence on mental health. The people with poorer social support and a tendency of external control experienced lower subjective happiness, presented more psychological symptoms and possessed lower level of mental health. The feeling of external-internal control also influenced the level of social support, and the people with strong internal control sensation acquired more social support. Conclusions: It suggests that social support and feeling of psychological control are both intermediate factors influencing the level of mental health. The research on the relationship in between them has important significance for maintaining individual mental health and exploring psychological mechanisms of mental disorders. 【Key wor[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 特困大学生的压力源及应对方式研究 下一个医学论文: 军校大学生书法训练的情绪效应初步研究