儿童行为问题 学业成绩与家庭环境的相关模型研究 |
杨志伟 刘少文 李雪荣
【摘 要】 目的:探讨儿童学业成就、各类行为问题与家庭因素之间的内在关系及其意义。方法:采用定式问卷、家庭环境量表(FES)、儿童行为量表(CBCL),对180名儿童(男120,女60)的学业成绩、家庭背景因素(父母文化程度)、家庭环境因素与各类行为问题进行调查评定,并对结果进行相关分析,提取相关系数r≥0.30(P>0.01)的相关变量构成相关关系模型。结果:①父母文化程度与FES家庭环境某些项目评分有密切相关(r=.31~.36)但与儿童行为问题无关;②FES家庭环境的某些项目评分与CBCL儿童社交和适应行为(r=.31~.34)及某些类型的行为问题评分(r=.32~.57)密切相关,但与儿童学习成绩无关;③儿童学习成绩与CBCL某些行为问题项目评分为负相关(r=-.30~-.53),与CBCL社交和适应行为评分(r=.34~.48)及父亲文化程度(女性r=.36)正相关;④在不同性别儿童,上述具体项目之间的相关关系有所不同,但相关模式的基本结构大体相似。结论:儿童学业成绩、各类行为问题、家庭环境和家庭背景因素之间存在特定的相关关系,具体内容因性别而异,但大体结构相似。相关模型有一定的心理动力学意义,可为儿童学习和行为问题的干预提供指导。 【关键词】 儿童 行为问题 学习成绩 家庭环境
Correlation Models for Child Behavior Problems, Academic Achievement and Family Environment
Yang Zhiwei Liu Shaowen Li Xuerong (Institute of Mental Health, Shenzhen 518020)
【Abstract】Objective: To explore the relation among behavior problems of children, their academic achievement and family background. Methods: A total of 180 children (120 boys and 60 girls) and their families were investigated and assessed by the inventory for family backgrounds, Family Environment Scales (FES) and Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). The correlation between items (r>0.30, p<0.01) were derived from correlation analysis and formed the models for boys and girls respectively. Results: The level of parent education correlated with certain FES items (r=0.31~0.36), but not with CBCL items. Some FES items correlated with CBCL items (r=0.32~0.57), but not with academic achievement. Academic achievement correlated negatively with some CBCL items (r=0.30~0.53), positively with social and adaptive behavior (r=0.34~0.48) and father s education (only in girls, r=0.36). Although boys and girls had some specific correlation respectively, they had similar structure in general. Conclusion: There are some specific correlation among child behavior problem, academic achievement, and family background and environment. Boys and girls are different in some [1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 玉米籽粒性状的遗传效应分析 下一个医学论文: 军校和地方大学生心理防御机制比较