PCNA等5种基因在小鼠睾丸发育过程中的表达 |
谭德勇 罗兰 赖建华 舒坤贤 李鹂 昝瑞光
摘 要:以出生1日、30日和成年昆明小鼠睾丸组织为实验材料,利用地高辛标记的基因探针在组织切片上进行DNA-mRNA分子原位杂交,研究了PCNA、cyclinD1、cdc2、P21和P16基因共5种细胞周期调控基因在小鼠睾丸发育中的表达变化。结果发现:PCNA基因在30日龄和成年鼠睾丸中都有强的表达;而cyclin D1基因只在30日龄的小鼠睾丸组织中有表达;P21、P16和cdc2基因在3个不同的发育阶段都没有表达。这些结果表明:(1)细胞周期调控基因cyclin D1、cdc2、P16和P21与小鼠睾丸发育和精子发生过程的细胞增殖控制关系不大,可能小鼠睾丸和精子发育过程中的细胞增殖调控与其他细胞的增殖调控有不同的机制;(2)cyclin D1基因在小鼠睾丸中的表达模式表明,cyclin D1基因在睾丸发育中有不同于细胞增殖促进的作用;(3)小鼠睾丸发育中,精子发生开始时期可能晚于30日龄。 关键词:小鼠;睾丸;发育;基因表达;细胞周期 分类号:Q253; Q492.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253-9772(2000)03-0149-04
The Expression of Five Cell Cycle Controlrelated Genes in the Test of Mouse at Different Development Stage
TAN De-yong,LUO Lan,LAI Jianhua,SHU Kunxian,LI Li,ZAN Rui-guang (The Department of Biotechnology,Yunnan Universty,Kunming 650091,China)
Abstracts:Using in situ hybridization technique with Dig Labeled DNA probe, we studied the expression of PCNA,cyclin D1, cdc2, P21 and P16 gene in the test of one day old,30 days old and adult Kunming mouse.The results shows that the expression of PCNA gene was strong in the test of 30 days old and adult mouse; cyclin D1 gene only expressed in the test of 30 days old mouse; cdc2,P21 and P16 gene did not express in the test of all three groups of mouse.These results suggest that:(1)cyclin D1,cdc2,P16 and P21 genes are not related to the regulaton of cell cycle during test development and germ genaration, and possibly the machanism of cell cycle regulation during test development and germ genaration is different from other kind of cells;(2)cyclin D1 has other founctions except promoting cell profilation;and (3)the germ genaration during test development may start after 30 days old. Key words:mouse;test;development;gene expression;cell cycle.
PCNA基因的产物是真核生物DNA聚合酶δ的一个辅助因子,它的功能是促进DNA的复制〔1〕,cdc2基因和cyclin D1基因的产物分别是细胞周期激酶的催化亚基和调节亚基,它们的作用是促进细胞从G1期向S期转变〔2,3〕。所以,这3个基因的作用都是促进细胞分裂增殖的。P16基因和P21基因是P53的下游基因〔3,4,5〕,它们的作用是抑制[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 两种泥鳅中PdSox8和PdSox9的RFLP分析 下一个医学论文: 泽蛙 日本林蛙 饰纹姬蛙不同地理居群的核型多样性