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维生素E C和

马爱国 Susan J Duthie Marion A Ross Andrew R Collins

  【摘要】 目的 通过较高剂量补充维生素E、C和β- 胡萝卜素,观察三种维生素对淋巴细胞损伤的影响。方法 选取50~59岁健康男性随机分为实验组和对照组,每组50人,实验组每人每天服用β-胡萝卜素25 mg、维生素C 100 mg ,维生素E 280 mg,实验期为20周,采集实验组和对照组的全血分离淋巴细胞。DNA损伤程度的分析采用“彗星”电泳技术分析;血清中维生
素C、α-生育酚和β- 胡萝卜素的测定均采用高效液相色谱法分析。结果 外周血淋巴细胞DNA的损伤程度分析发现DNA自发损伤率在实验组和对照组人群中均较低,DNA损伤率分别为6. 1%和6.8%,两组间差异无明显性 ;但是当实验组和对照组人群外周血淋巴细胞经H2O2处理后,对照组人群在30 μmol/L、100 μmol/L、 300 μmol/L H2O2剂量组细胞DNA损伤率逐渐升高, 分别达到36.14%、59.45%和69.62%,并明显高于实验组H2O2相应处理剂量细胞DNA损伤率。结论 通过补充维生素E、C和β-胡萝卜素,可以有效地降低H2O2所致的DNA损伤。
  【关键词】 DNA损伤  胡萝卜素  维生素E  维生素C

Effects of Vitamins E, C and β-Carotene on DNA Damage  MA Aiguo, Duthie SJ, Ross MA, et al. Department of Human Nutrition, Qingdao Medical College, Qingdao, Shandong 266021
  【Abstract】 Objective To investigate their effects on lymphocyte damage with supplementation of high-dose vitamins E,C and β-carotene. Methods Healthy men aged 50~59 years were selected and randomized into the trial and control groups with 50 in each one.In the trial group,25 mg of β-carotene,100 mg vitamin C and 280 mg vitamin E were given to each subject every day for 20 weeks.Whole blood was collected in both the trial and control groups and its lymphocytes separated.Damage to DNA was analyzed with a“comet” electrophoresis technique,and serum levels of vitamin C,β-carotene and α-tocopherol were determined by high performance liquid chromatography. Results There was no significant difference in the proportions of spontaneous damage to DNA in lymphocytes between the trial and control groups (6.1% vs. 6.8%). But,proportions of damage to DNA in peripheral lymphocytes increased to 36.14%,59.45,and 69.62%,respectively, after treatment with 30 μmol/L,100 μmol/L and 300 μmol/L of H2O2. Conclusion Supplementation of vitamin E,C and β-carotene could effectively reduce the damage to DNA caused by H2O

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