抗人M和N型GPA特异性单克隆抗体的制备和鉴定 |
董燕 毛建平 刘斌 孙志贤
摘 要:目的:为了建立“血型糖蛋白A(Glycophorin A, GPA)突变分析”技术。方法:采用杂交瘤技术制备单克隆抗体(McAb)。结果:获得3株分泌抗GPA特异性McAb的杂交瘤细胞系,这3株McAb均属于IgG2a亚类、Kappa型轻链,其中2株特异性抗M型GPA,另外1株特异性抗N型GPA。3株McAb所针对的抗原决定簇位于GPA多肽链N末端第1~39位氨基酸之内,抗体与其结合依赖糖链的完整性。结论:制备的McAb可用于“GPA突变分析”的研究,也可以作为血型试剂在血液免疫学、遗传学和法医学的领域中应用。 关键词:MN血型 血型糖蛋白A 单克隆抗体 分类号:R392.11
Preparation and characterization of monoclonal antibodies to M- and N-forms of human glycophorin A
DONG Yan (Institute of Radiation Medicine, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing 100850) MAO Jian-Ping (Institute of Radiation Medicine, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing 100850) LIU Bin (Institute of Radiation Medicine, Academy of Military Medical Sciences, Beijing 100850)
Abstract:Objective: To develop the “glycophorin A (GPA)somatic cell mutation assay”. Methods: Monoclonal antibodies (McAb) were prepared by hybridoma technique . Results: Three mouse monoclonal antibodies against human glycophorin A have been produced . They all belong to IgG2a subclass, Kappa type light chain. Two of them are specific for M form and one for N form GPA. They bind to determinants presented on the 1~39 amino acid N-terminal peptide of GPA, their binding depend on intact oligosaccharides. Conclusion: These antibodies is applicable for “GPA somatic cell mutation assay”, also useful in blood immunology, genetics and medical jurisprudence. Key words:MN blood group Glycophorin A Monoclonal antibody▲
GPA是人红细胞膜表面主要糖蛋白,存在M和N 2种结构形式,是决定MN血型系统的抗原。近年发现,GPA在体细胞突变研究中是个有价值的分子标志,源于“GPA突变分析”技术的建立和应用[1]。该技术以不同荧光标记的抗GPA特异性单抗为主要检测试剂,结合流式细胞仪分析,检测人外周血中红细胞的变异频率[2,3],并在生物剂量计和癌患风险评估方面得以应用,获得了较有意义的结果。我们制备了抗M和N型GPA的特异性McAb,以期“GPA突变分析”技术的建立和应用。
1 材料与方法
1.1 抗原 新鲜采取健康人O型红细胞,用血型试剂(长春博德生物技术有限公司)鉴定和筛选出OM和ON型红细胞。 1.2 动物免疫 经PBS洗涤和悬浮的OM和ON型红细胞,注射6~8周龄Balb/c小鼠腹腔,108细胞/只[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: CD8 细胞免疫亲合柱的研制及条件探讨 下一个医学论文: 检测HBVDNA Ig