CD8 细胞免疫亲合柱的研制及条件探讨 |
王郡甫 田志刚 张彩 刘金生 张建华 许晓群 孙 张捷
摘 要:目的:建立一种利用免疫亲合柱纯化细胞的方法。方法: 将亲合素交联于聚丙烯酰胺凝胶Bio-Gel上,制成免疫亲合柱;将外周血单个核细胞与生物素化抗CD8单克隆抗体作用后,加到该免疫亲合柱上进行纯化,CD8+细胞即吸附于柱上,洗去其他细胞后,得到纯化的CD8+细胞。结果:纯化后CD8+细胞纯度达56%~7l%,细胞回收率为39%~66%,台盼蓝染色法显示活细胞达98%。 结论:利用免疫亲合柱纯化细胞具有纯度高,回收率高,细胞活性好等优点,是一种方便有效的细胞纯化方法。 关键词:免疫亲合柱 CD8+细胞 细胞纯化 流式细胞仪 分类号:R392-33
The preparation of immunoaffinity column and the purification of CD8+ cells
WANG Jun-Fu (Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences,Jinan 250062) TIAN Zhi-Gang (Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences,Jinan 250062) ZHANG Cai (Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences,Jinan 250062)
Abstract:Objective:To prepare immunoaffinity column for cell separation. Methods: Avidin was attached to Bio-Gel and columns packed with Avidin-conjugated Bio-Gel was prepared. Cells from human peripheral blood were incubated with biotinylated anti-CD8 monoclonal antibody and then applied to the column;Biotin-labeled target cells are captured on Avidin coated Bio-Gel beads and non-target cells were washed off .Bounded target cells were then released by gentle agitation. Results: CD8+cells were enriched with a purity of 56%~71% and a recovery of 39%~66%;the percent of viable CD8+ cells were proved to be 98% by Trypan Blue Staining. Conclusion: With an high purity and recovery,the immunoaffinity column can be used as an efficient method for cell isolation. Key words:Immunoaffinity column CD8+ cells Cell separation Flow cytometry▲
1 材料与方法
1.1 主要试剂及仪器 亲合素(Avidin,12 U/mg),生物素化N-羟基琥珀酰亚氨酯,碳二亚胺盐酸盐(EDC-HCl),均购自Sigma公司;Bio-Gel P-30,购自BIO-RAD公司;抗CD8单克隆抗体由本实验室自行制备,并经DEAE离子交换色谱纯化,双扩活性l:64,纯度大于90%;标准抗CD8单克隆抗体,为Pharmingen公司产品;羊抗小鼠IgG-FITC购自北京挚诚生物研究所;生物素标记辣根过氧[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 脾内免疫法制备抗 2 下一个医学论文: 抗人M和N型GPA特异性单克隆抗体的制备和鉴定