冷刺激条件下硒和维生素E对大鼠心脏内血管活性物质的影响 |
金毅 李保玉 张海莹 李广生
摘要 目的:用低硒/维生素E(Se/VE)饲料喂养的大鼠动物模型,施以冰泳刺激,观察Se,VE对心肌血管活性物质的影响。方法:用60只Wistar大鼠,按体重和性别随机分为低硒/维生素EⅠ组(Se/VE DGⅠ)及上述每kg饲料补硒(亚硒酸钠)0.1 mg(Se/VE DGⅠ+Se)组、补α-VE100mg(Se/VE DGⅠ+ VE)组、联合补Se,VE (Se/VE DGⅠ+Se/VE)组、低硒/维生素EⅡ组(Se/VE DGⅡ)和常规饲料组 (SG)等六组。饲养70d,测定各组动物心肌内皮素(ET),一氧化氮(NO),去甲肾上腺素(NE),血管紧张素Ⅱ(Ang-Ⅱ),单胺氧化酶(MAO-A),超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px),脂褐素(lipofuscin)等水平。结果: Se/VE DG组心肌ET,Ang-Ⅱ含量明显高于其它组;NO含量明显低于其它组;心肌NE水平增高,而特异性分解NE的MAO-A活性降低;心肌Lipofuscin含量明显增加;SOD,GSH-Px含量降低。补Se组、补Se/VE组、低Se/VEⅡ组和对照组上述指标活性明显改善。结论:冷刺激条件下硒和维生素E对大鼠心脏内血管活性物质有明显影响。 主题词 物理刺激;硒;维生素E;血管
Effects of selenium and vitamin E on vasoactive substances in myocardium of rats under cold stress
JIN Yi Qingdao Medical College of Qingdao University, Qingdao (266021) LI Bao-Yu LI Guang-Sheng Changchun Tranditional Medical College ZHANG Hai-Ying Endemic Diseases Institute of Norman Bethune University of Medical Science
Abstract AIM:To study the effects of selenium(Se) and vitamin E(VE) on vasoactive substances in myocardium of rats under cold stress.METHOD: 60 Wistar rats were divided into 6 groups: (1) Se,VE dificient Ⅰ group (Se/VE DGⅠ);(2) Se supplemented 0.1 mg/kg group(Se/VE DGⅠ+Se );(3) VE supplemented 100 mg/kg group(Se/VE DGⅠ+VE );(4) Se,VE supplemented group (Se/VE DGⅠ+Se/VE );(5) Se,VE dificient grainⅡ group( Se/VE DGⅡ);(6) Stock group(SG).Rats were fed for 70 days and were put in ice water stressed before killed.The contents of endothelin(ET),nitric oxide(NO), noradrenaline(NE),angiotensin-Ⅱ(Ang-Ⅱ),activities of monoamine oxidase-A(MAO-A),superoxide dismutase(SOD),glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px),and content of lipofuscin in myocardial were measured.RESULTS:Contents of ET, Ang-Ⅱ and NE were abviously increased and contents of NO and activities of MAO-A,SOD, GSH-Px were markedly decreased in the myocardium of Se/VE DGⅠrats,but above items were improved in differently grade in those ra[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 热休克反应对缺血 下一个医学论文: 脂质体介导的VEGF基因对培养血管细胞增殖的影响