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赵振山 吴清江 高贵琴

摘 要:雄核发育是在雄核控制下发育的一种特殊的有性生殖方式,它是鱼类单性发育的重要组成部分。本文全面综述了国内外鱼类雄核发育研究的进展状况。主要包括雌核染色体灭活和雄核二倍化诱导技术。雌核染色体灭活主要通过γ、X和紫外线(UV)等辐射处理完成的,其辐射剂量和方法因研究者不同而不同。雄核的二倍化诱导则主要是采用静水压和温度休克阻止第一次有丝分裂来实现的,其二倍化诱导条件与研究的种类不同而有所差异。同时,本文对鱼类雄核发育在遗传育种中的应用前景作了评价。
关键词: 鱼类;雄核发育
中图分类号: Q172    文献标识码: A    文章编号: 0253-9772(2000)02-0109-05

Progress on Research of Fish Androgenesis

ZHAO Zhen-shan GAO Gui-qin
(Fisheries College,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070)
WU Qing-jiang
(Institute of Hydrobiology,Academia Sinica,Wuhan 430072,China)

Abstract:Fish andtogenesis is a kind of secial sexual development which is controlled by male nucleus and it is an important part of fish unisexual development. This paper summarizes the progress of fish androgenesis comprehensively in the world.It includes the techniques of inactive female nucleus of eggs and diploidization of male nucleus. The methods of inactive female nucleus are carride out by using γ,X and ultraviolet (UV)rays to irradiate the eggs,the irradiation dosages and methods are different based on the different researchers. The techniques of diploidization of male nucleus are carried out by using hydrostatic pressure, heat and cold shock to restrain the fish mitosis,the diploidization condition are different from species to species.Meanwhile,the paper evaluates the application perspectives of fish androgenesis on the genetics and breeding.
Key words: fish; androgenesis

  雄核发育是鱼类育种的先进技术之一,目前,人工诱导雄核发育已见于川鲽(Platichthys flesus)、马苏大麻哈鱼(Oncorhy nchus masou)、虹鳟(Oncorhynchus mykiss)、溪红点鲑(Salvelinus fontinalis)、鲤鱼(Cyprinus carpio)、鲫鱼(

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