人胚胎结肠肠神经系统发育的观察 |
nerves become different size ganglions by degrees.In the network,there appear the tertiary strands.The outer and inner submucosa plexuses have differentiated well. Conclusion The development ENS has distinct stages.During early stage of the development, the nerves begin to appear on wall.They develop and differentiate in middle stage.As for later stage, the nerves in the four layers has developed and matured.In different developmental stage, original causes of disease pathogenesis will result in various symptoms of cogenital megacolon. 【Key words】 Enteric nervous system;PGP 9.5;S-100 Protein;Colon;Human embryo
胃肠道具有丰富的神经支配,由神经元和神经胶质细胞聚集而成的肠神经系统(enteric nervous system, ENS),是由内源性和外源性的神经共同组成的。目前关于消化道神经发育的研究多局限于禽类和鼠类,而对人胚胎期消化道神经发育研究甚少,尤其是结肠,这亦阻碍了我们对ENS发育障碍所致的先天性巨结肠(Hirschsprung disease,HD)病因的了解,因而我们对人胚胎结肠神经系统发育进行了研究。
1. 标本和分组 40例人胚胎标本根据月经龄及B超双顶径显示确定胎龄,按月份分为8组(表1):
表1 人胚胎标本分组 Table 1 Human embryos divided into groups
胎龄(embryonic age) 例数(cases) 第2月(5~8周) second month(fifth-eighth week) 3 第3月(9~12周) third month(ninth-twelfth week) 8 第4月(13~16周) forth month(thirteenth-sixteenth week) 12 第5月(17~20周) fifth month(seventeenth-twentieth week) 5 第6月(21~24周) sixth month(twenty first-twenty forth week) 4 第7月(25~28周) seventh month(twenty fifth-twenth eighth) 3 第8月(29~32周) eighth month(twenty ninth-thirty second week) 2 第9月(33~36周) ninth month(thirty third-thirty sixth week) 3 合 计 total 40
2. 免疫组织化学PAP法 将人胚胎期的结肠部分切成小段,入4%多聚甲醛溶液,4℃固定24h,再经0.01mol/L PBS缓冲液漂洗后入20%蔗糖过夜。恒冷箱切片机切片(-25℃,20μm),按Sternberger[1]的PAP法进行免疫组织化学染色。主要试剂及染色步骤见表2,3。并用PBS及羊血清代替一抗作阴性对照,标本用Olympus显微镜观察并摄片记录。 表2 免疫组织化学主要试剂 Table 2 The main reagents in immunohistochemistry
试剂 reagents 工作效价 density 生产单位 producer 兔抗PGP 9.5(人) 1∶400 Ultraclone上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 肝纤维化启动期大鼠血清对肝星形细胞TGF 下一个医学论文: 大鼠消化道促性腺激素释放激素受体mRNA的原位杂交研究