CD34免疫亲合柱在脐血造血干 祖细胞分离与扩增中的应用 |
王郡甫 田志刚 侯桂华 张建华 张彩 孙
摘 要 目的:观察CD34免疫亲合柱对脐血造血干/祖细胞分离纯化的 效果及纯化后CD34+细胞的增殖分化特性。方法:采用CD34免疫亲合柱分离脐血单个核细胞(MNC)中的CD34+细胞 ,流式细胞技术(FACS)进行细胞表面标志测定。将分离前后的细胞加入造血生长因子进行液 态扩增培养和多向祖细胞集落(CFU-GEMM)培养。结果:经CD34免疫亲合柱分离后脐血中CD34+细胞为49.62%±17.69 % ,明显高于脐血MNC(1.17%±0.68%),细胞回收率为54.38%±11.91%。分离后CD34+细 胞 和脐血MNC经造血生长因子刺激培养20 d分别扩增561.00倍和44.44倍。培养至12 d时,免 疫亲合柱分离组CD34+细胞阳性率为53.38%,对照组为7.91%。分离组CFU-GEMM产率明 显高于对照组(P<0.001)。结论:CD34免疫亲合柱应用于脐血造血干/祖细胞的分离可充分富集CD3 4+细胞,且分离后的CD34+细胞具有明显的增殖效应和CFU-GEMM形成能力。 关键词 CD34+细胞 免疫亲合柱 扩增 中国图书分类号 R392-33
The application of CD34-immunoaffinity column in the i s olation and expansion of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells of cord blood
WANG Jun-Fu,TIAN Zhi-Gang,HOU Gui-Hua et al. (Shandong Academ y of Medical Sciences,Jinan 250062)
Abstract Objective:To observe the effect of CD34 immunoaf finity column on the isolation of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells of cor d blood and the proliferatory and expansion characteristics of CD34+ cells in vitro.Methods:CD34+cells were isolated from cord blood using CD34 immunoaffinity column.Cell surface antigens were analysed by FACS.Th e separated and un-separated cells were cultured with human hematopoietic growt h factors(HGFS)in liquid culture system and CFU-GEMM culture system.Results:CD34+ cells were enriched with a purity of 49.6 2%±17.69% and a recovery of 54.38%±11.91% using the immunoaffinity column.The sep arated CD34+cells and cord blood MNC expanded to 561.00 folds and 44.44 folds respectively after cultured with HGFS for 20 days.The percentages of CD34+ c ells in separated group and control were 53.38% and 7.91% respectively after cu ltured for 12 days.The number of CFU-GEMM in separated group was significantly higher than that in control(P<0.001). Conclusion:Using CD34 immunoaffinity column the hematopoie tic stem and progenitor cells can be enriched efficiently and the separated CD3[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 未成熟树突细胞诱导同种免疫低应答性的研究 下一个医学论文: 蜂毒多肽BVI