诱导型一氧化氮合酶与Dahl |
谭敦勇 陈小琳 董军 C.Caramelo
[摘 要] 目的和方法:为探讨诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)在血液动力学调控中的作用,本研究通过慢性血液动力学实验观察了静脉输入诱导型一氧化氮合酶(iNOS)抑制剂aminogunidine(AG)对大鼠平均动脉压的影响,并测定了一氧化氮(NO)终产物NO2及NO3含量(UNOx)以及iNOS活性。结果:1. iNOS特异抑制剂AG能明显放大高钠引起的Dahl盐敏感大鼠(DS)的血压上升效应;2. 高NaCl输入在导致的DS大鼠血压升高的同时,能引起iNOS活性及UNOx的明显升高。结论:iNOS对DS大鼠具有重要的血液动力学调节作用。 [主题词] 一氧化氮; 血压;大鼠 [Article ID] 1000-4718(2000)03-0207-04
The role of inducible nitric oxide synthase in the regulation of arterial pressure in Dahl salt-sensitive rats
TAN Dun-yong, CHEN Xiao-lin, Dong Jun (Department of Pathophysiology, Jinan University Medical College, Guangzhou 510632,China;) C.Caramelo (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Facultad de Medicina, 28040 Madrid, Spain)
[Abstract] AIM AND METHODS: To clarify the role of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in the hemodynamic regulation of Dahl salt-sensitive (DS) rats,in the present study, we examined the effect of aminoguanidine (AG), a selective inhibitor of iNOS on the pressor response of DS rats to high sodium chloride (NaCl) intake by chronical in vivo hemodynamic experiment, and the effect of NaCl or NaCl plus AG infusion on urinary nitrate (NO-3)/nitrite (NO-2), the end product of nitric oxide (NO), excretion by Greiss Reaction. Furthermore, an iNOS activity assay was also made. RESULTS: The hypertensive effect of high NaCl (8%) infusion was greatly amplified by co-infusion of AG. Administration of high NaCl significantly elevated the iNOS activity of renal tissue including cortex, inner medulla and outer medulla, and greatly increased urinary NO-3/NO-2 excretion. CONCLUSION: Inducible NOS is an important modulator of blood pressure in DS rats under the condition of NaCl-induced hypertension. [MeSH] Nitric oxide; Blood pressure; Rats [CLC number] R544.1 [Document code] A
Nitric oxide (NO), enzymatically synthesized from L-arginine, is an important phy[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 预处置对急性缺血再灌注肝脏保护机制的初步探讨 下一个医学论文: Losartan对神经肽Y诱导血管平滑肌细胞增殖的逆转作用