动脉内皮损伤后平滑肌细胞维甲酸受体的表达及维甲酸的作用 |
李大主 曹林生 冯义柏 曾秋棠 李裕舒 毛 奕 宋建新
摘 要 目的:研究动脉内皮损伤后VSMC中RAR表达的规律及其与内膜增生的关系。方法:放射配基法测量用维甲酸与未用药两组内皮损伤后不同时期的受体最大结合容量和平衡解离常数。同时用形态学方法测量血管内膜面积。结果:动脉内皮损伤后早期VSMC中RAR数量显著低于正常(P<0.01),于第4周恢复正常,同时血管内膜面积增加,用维甲酸后,RAR显著增加,于术后2周即接近正常,血管内膜面积显著少于未用药组。结论:动脉损伤后早期RAR表达下调,维甲酸能向上调节其表达,RAR可能在动脉内皮损伤后的内膜增生中起重要作用。 主题词 动脉粥样硬化;维甲酸;家兔
Retinoic acid receptor expression in arterial smooth muscle cells after endothelial injury and effects of all-trans retinoic acid
LI Da-Zhu, CAO Lin-Sheng, FENG Yi-Bai, ZHEN Qiu-Tang, LI Yu-Shu, MAO Yi, SONG Jin-Xin Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, Tongji Medical University, Wuhan (430022)
Abstract AIM: To investigate expression of retinoic acid receptor (RAR) in smooth muscle cells after endothelial injury and its relation to intimal hyperplasia. METHODS:Rabbits were divided into two groups:all-trans retinoic acid (RA) treated group and non-drug group, arteries were harvested 24h, 1, 2 and 4 weeks after injury. Receptor Bmax and KD were calculated by the use of [3 H]-RA radioligand binding method, neointimal area(IA) were measured morphologically.RESULTS:Compared with normal arteries, number of RAR in smooth muscle cells reduced significantly (P<0.01) in the first two weeks after injury, and recovered to normal in the 4th week, at the meantime, IA increased significantly. In RA treated group, RAR number increased significantly when compared with non-drug group, and were about to normal level 2 weeks after injury. IA decreased at the same time. CONCLUSION:RAR down regulation existed in the early stage after endothelial injury, RA upregulated RAR expression, RAR might play an important role in intimal hyperplasia after artery injury. MeSH Atherosclerosis; Tretionin; Rabbits
血管平滑肌细胞(vascular smooth muscle cells, VSMC)的迁移增殖是许多增生性血管疾病发生发展的重要环节[1],而迁移增殖的VSMC绝大多数为未成熟的合成表型[2]。已知Vit A在组织细胞的发育分化中起重要作用,VSMC中存在与内源性Vit A结合的维甲酸受体(retinoic acid receptor, RAR)[3],通过该受体,[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 肺癌侵袭力的影像学表现与c 下一个医学论文: 细胞色素p450对大鼠心肌缺血 再灌注损伤的影响