上海市社区神经症的流行病学调查 |
周天 张少平 江渝琦 王纪明
【摘 要】 目的:了解上海市社区中各类神经症的患病率及其相关因素。方法:应用标准化工具,采用分层整群抽样以及两阶段法,对大样本社区人群进行流行病学调查。结果:社区中神经症患病率为28.72‰,各亚型分别为:焦虑性障碍10.22‰,抑郁性神经症9.34‰,躯体化障碍4.23‰,神经衰弱3.61‰,癔症1.32‰;男、女比例为1∶2.4。其它如年龄、婚姻状况、受教育程度、职业等均与患病率相关。结论:神经症是一类十分常见的精神疾患,其患病率远较重性精神病高,严重影响人的健康和生活质量,应列为社区精神卫生保健工作的重点。 【关键词】 神经症 患病率 流行病学
Epidemiology of Neuroses in Community of Shanghai
Zhou Tianxin, Zhang Shaoping, Jiang Yuqi et al. (Mental Health Center of Hongkou District Shanghai China 200083)
【Abstract】Objective: To understand the prevalence of neuroses in community and the impact of relative factors on them. Method: By striated sampling and screening-identification, the sample based on non-hospital population (810,000) was assessed in epidemiological survey by standardized tools and program. Results: The prevalence of neuroses in community is 28.72‰, including anxiety disorder (10.22‰), depressive neurosis (9.34‰), somatization disorder (4.23‰), neurasthenia (3.61‰) and hysteria (1.32‰). Some factors, such as age, marriage status, education and vocation related more or less to the prevalence of different kinds of neuroses respectively. Conclusion: Neuroses are common disorders among mental illness. The prevalence of them is much higher than that of psychoses. We should pay more attention to neuroses for their negative influence on mental health of people. 【Key Words】neuroses prevalence epidemiology
调查时间为1997年1月至7月,调查地区上海市虹口区乍浦街道,框架人口8.1万,采用分层整群抽样法,依序先由区内街道至居民委员会,再按随机号“”入户上门开展调查,涉年满18周岁以上成年对象约1.1万人(5000户),约为本地区人口的八分之一。 先预初调查,经[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 某部队神经症患病率及相关问题调查 下一个医学论文: 金属硫蛋白在心肌缺血再灌注损伤修复中的抗氧化作用