职业接触脒类农药对心血管功能的影响 |
周志俊 胡云平 匡兴亚 邬红梅 薛寿征
摘要 目的 调查脒类农药对职业接触者心血管功能的影响。方法 对16名杀虫脒施药工、14名杀虫脒包装工及23名单甲脒包装工在接触前后进行随访。测定操作环境中脒类农药的浓度及工人皮肤脒类农药污染量,测定尿中脒类农药或代谢物的含量,以估计工人接触水平。还分析了单甲脒包装工24小时尿中香草扁桃酸的含量。结果 杀虫脒全身皮肤污染量平均3.240 μg/cm2(施药工)和2.142 μg/cm2(包装工),单甲脒包装工手部皮肤污染量平均6.59 mg/cm2,提示主要接触途径是皮肤。接触后尿中脒类农药或代谢物明显增加,杀虫脒施药工和包装工班末平均尿浓度是6.194和3.378 μmol/L,单甲脒包装工班末平均尿浓度2.760~3.427 μmol/L。工人接触后心电图指标与接触前自身比较,出现心率减慢、P-R间期和Q-T间期延长及血压下降。几次调查结果的一致性证明脒类农药在目前接触水平下可以引起人群心血管功能指标的变化。单甲脒包装工24小时尿香草扁桃酸的含量下降(接触前0.068 μmol/L,接触后0.040~0.055 μmol/L),提示儿茶酚胺可能在其中的作用。结论 脒类农药对人的心血管功能有一定影响,建议在健康监护时要注意心血管功能的变化。 关键词 脒类,农药 心血管系统
Effects of Occupational Exposure to Formamidines on Cardiovascular Functions
ZHOU Zhijun, HU Yunping, KUANG Xingya, et al. Department of Occupational Health, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200032
Abstract Objective To understand the possible effects of occupational exposure to formamidines on human cardiovascular function, this study was carried out. Methods Sixteen farmers spraying chlordimeform, 14 packers packaging chlordimeform and 23 packers packaging mono-formamidine were followed-up pre- and post-exposure. Their urinary excretion of formamidine or its metabolite, as well as air concentrations of formamidine at their work places and their skin contamination with it were measured to estimate the exposure level. Furthermore, 24-hour urinary level of vanillinmandelic acid (VMA)was analyzed among mono-formamidine packers. Results Their whole body skin contaminated with 3.240 and 2.142 g/cm2 of chlordimeform in the sprayers and packers, respectively. Their hand skin contaminated with mono-formamidine at 6.59 g/cm2 in the packers. It indicated that the major route of exposure to formamidine was skin contamination. Urinary levels of formamidines or their metabolites increased significantly after exposure, reaching 6.194 and 3.378 μmol/L for the sprayers and packers exposed to chlordimeform, respectively[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 生存质量作为时变协变量的Cox回归分析及应用 下一个医学论文: 同型半胱氨酸对鸡胚早期心血管发育的影响