生存质量作为时变协变量的Cox回归分析及应用 |
万崇华 方积乾 何朝阳 张玉祖 何磊
摘要 目的 提出一种综合分析生存质量与生存时间的统计方法,并探讨有关的应用问题。方法 基于Cox回归模型,提出将生存质量作为时变协变量的Cox回归分析法,并用于212例吸毒者戒毒效果的影响因素分析。结果 进入回归方程的因素及风险比分别为:戒毒方式(0.673)、婚姻状况(1.315)、吸毒方式(1.319)、戒毒次数(0.867)、母亲文化程度(1.120)、母亲职业(1.318)、家庭环境气氛(0.724)、能否得到亲朋帮助(1.150)。结论 综合分析生存质量与生存时间的统计方法是一种较好的分析方法。对戒毒效果的影响因素分析表明,主要取决于母亲素质、家庭好坏和吸毒方式、吸毒时间长短等。 关键词 生活质量 回归分析 物质相关性障碍
Quality of Life as A Time-dependent Covariable in Cox Regression Analysis and Its Application
WAN Chonghua*, FANG Jiqian, HE Zhaoyang, et al. *Department of Health Statistics, Kunming Medical College, Kunming 650031
Abstract Objective To present a statistical method for combined evaluation of the quality of life and survival time and to study some issues in its application. Methods Based on Cox regression model, quality of life was used as a time-dependent covariable in analysis of the influence factors for the effectiveness of detoxification in 212 drug addicts. Results The influence factors entered the regression equation were ways of detoxification for drug abusers, marital status, mode of drug abuse, frequency of detoxification, maternal educational level, maternal occupation, family atmosphere and help and encourage from their relatives and friends, with their hazard ratios of 0.673, 1.315, 1.319, 0.867, 1.120, 1.318, 0.724 and 1.150, respectively. Conclusion Combined statistical analysis of quality of life and survival time was a better method for the evaluation of the effectiveness of detoxification and its influence factors, which depended mainly on their mother s qualification, family atmosphere, mode and length of drug abuse, etc. Key words Quality of life Regression analysis Substance-related disorders
生存分析,即生存(时间)数据的统计分析方法, 是为适应生存数据的特殊性(主要是删失)而发展起来的一门统计应用学科。已经在医学随访研究、肿瘤及慢性病预后因素分析等方面起着重要作用。 但是,传统生存分析方法仅考虑了生存时间,而没有考虑生存质量。随着生存质量研究的深入以及健康观的转变,必然要求能够同时综合考虑生存时间与生存质量的统计分析方法, 即能够同时分析生命过程中“质”与“量&rdq[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 血液透析患者丙型肝炎病毒高变区核苷酸序列分析 下一个医学论文: 职业接触脒类农药对心血管功能的影响