猪雌激素受体基因 ESR 点突变的PCR SSCP检测 |
姜运良 李宁 习欠云 吴常信
摘 要:雌激素受体基因(ESR)是控制猪高产仔数的主效基因之一,具有明显的基因效应:BB型比AA型母猪胎总产仔数和产活仔数分别高出140~337和063~358头,是目前商品猪育种和生产中重点检测的主要基因之一。常规采用PCR-RFLPs方法区分该基因由点突变造成的3种不同的基因型。本研究建立1种基于PCR的SSCP(single-stranded conformation polymorphism)方法对猪ESR该位置的点突变进行检测,具有操作简便、灵敏度高和不需要酶切等优点,可以在育种实践中广泛应用。 关键词:猪; ESR基因;点突变;PCR-SSCP 中图分类号:Q953;S828 文献标识码:A 文章编号:0253-9772(2000)04-0214-03
Detection of Point Mutation of Porcine Estrogen Receptor Gene(ESR) by PCRSSCP Approach
JIANG Yun-liang (College of Animal Science and Technology,Shandong Agricultural University,Taian,271018,China) LI Ning (National Laboratory for Agrobiotechnology,China Agricultural University,Beijing,100094,China) XI Qian-yun (College of Animal Science and Technology,Jiangxi Agricultural University,Nanchang,330045,China) WU Chang-xin (College of Animal Science and Technology,China Agricultural University,Beijing,100094,China)
Abstract:ESR is a major gene controlling litter size in swineThe sows of BB genotype produce 140~337 more piglets of the total number born and 107~240 piglets of the number born alive respectively comparing with those of AA genotype.ESR has been one of the widely detected genes in pig breeding and production.Usually the point mutation of ESR gene was detected by PCRRFLP approach.The present study established a novel method based on PCRSSCP,with the advantage of easy maniputation,high sensitivity and no necessity for restriction enzyme digestion.This method may be applied for commercial detection of the point mutation of ESR gene in swine breeding. Key words:pig;ESR;point mutation;PCRSSCP
雌激素受体基因(ESR)是控制猪高产仔数的主效基因之一。已有的多项研究证实,该基因存在PVUⅡ的限制性内切核酸酶酶切多态[1~5]并建立了一种检测该多态位点的PCR-RFLP方法[6~7]。该基因具有明显的主基因效应:BB型比AA型母猪胎总产仔数和产活仔数分别高出1.40~3.37头和0.63~3.58头[8],是目前商品猪育种和生产中重点检测的主要基因之一。 传统的PCR-RFLP的检测方法中,PCR扩增产物为121bp,酶切产物为56bp和65bp,需用较高浓度的琼脂糖凝胶才能检测;即便如此,前面的带与引物较容[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 当前传染病及其免疫预防面临的新挑战 下一个医学论文: 利用RAPD标记构建美洲黑杨 欧美分子标记连锁图谱