普伐他汀对血小板聚集 血小板表面 颗粒膜蛋白140及血栓烷素B2的抑制作用 |
马丽萍 尹松梅 徐立卓 聂大年 冯坚红 程鲲
【摘要】 目的 探讨普伐他汀抑制血小板血栓形成和防治动脉粥样硬化(AS)进程的机理。方法 根据高胆固醇血症(HC)诊断标准选择HC患者21例,口服普伐他汀10~20mg/d,疗程8~12周,分别于治疗前、治疗后进行血小板聚集试验(PAGT,比浊法)、血小板表面α颗粒膜蛋白140(GMP-140,放免法)、血小板血栓烷素B2(TXB2,放免法)及血脂水平的测定;20例健康体检者作为HC对照组。结果 普伐他汀治疗8周,血总胆固醇(TC),低密脂蛋白-胆固醇(LDL-C)水平明显下降(P<0.01),同时由ADP诱导的最大血小板聚集率(PAGT-Max)由治疗前的(82.52±18.73)%降至(64.41±20.78)%,GMP-140由治疗前的(748±154)分子数/血小板降至(378±119)分子数/血小板,血小板TXB2由治疗前的(2.95±0.53)pg.10-6.血小板-1降至(2.11±0.54)pg.10-6.血小板-1,8周与12周治疗的疗效差异无显著性。结论 普伐他汀对血小板功能的抑制作用是其发挥抗血栓特性并减少心血管事件发生的早期效益之一。 【关键词】 普伐他汀 高胆固醇血症 血小板聚集 血栓烷素类
Inhibiting effects of pravastatin on platelet aggregation, TXB2 and expression of GMP-140 in platelets
MA Liping YIN Songmei XU Lizhuo et al Department of Internal Medicine, Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University of Medical Sciences, Guongzhou 510120
【Abstract】 Objective To study the mechanism of platelet thrombus inhibition and atherosclerosis prevention by pravastatin.Methods Twenty-one patients with hypercholesterolemia (HC) were treated with pravastatin 10-20 mg/d for 8-12 weeks. The changes of platelet aggregation test (PAGT), thromboxane B2 (TXB2) in platelets, expression of platelet α granule memberane protein-140 (GMP-140) in platelets and blood lipid level were observed before and after the treatment.Results After 8-week treatment, blood cholesterol (TC, LDL-C) level was decreased significantly (P<0.01), ADP-induced PAGT-max was decreased from (82.52±18.73, ±s)% to (64.41±20.78)%, TXB2 in platelets was decreased form (2.95±0.53) pg/106 platelets to (2.11±0.54) pg/106 palatelets, the expression of GMP-140 was decreased from (748±154) molecular number (MN)/platelet to (378±119) MN/platelet. No significant difference in therapeutic effect was found between 8 and 12 weeks treatment.Conclusion The inhibiting effec[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 硝苯地平控释片与5 下一个医学论文: 静脉普罗帕酮和毛花甙C转复阵发性非瓣膜病心房颤动