静脉注射依那普利拉治疗重症高血压的疗效及安全性 |
郭冀珍 陆德澄 赵福全 杨菊贤 杜俭
【摘要】 目的 验证国产依那普利拉(E)治疗重症高血压的降压疗效及安全性,以提供高血压急症的新药。方法 对上海、镇江、扬州等4家医院收治的172例高血压病重症患者,男118例,女54例,平均年龄(53±9)岁,静脉注射E。分组:(1)对三组高血压病(各10例)分别静脉注射E 1.25 mg、2.5 mg、5 mg;(2)E与甲磺酸酚妥拉明(P)各54例单次静脉注射开放平行比较试验;(3)34例为24小时内多次静脉注射E(q6h),观察24小时内血压、心率及不良反应。结果 结果显示:(1)不同剂量E静脉注射以2.5 mg降压效果最好;(2)两组比较:用药后2、4、6小时E组降压幅度优于P组(P<0.05),总有效率为96.3%,P组总有效率90.7%;(3)24小时多次给E,总有效率达100%。E主要不良反应:轻度头昏(6/118)、头痛(2/118)、肢体麻木(4/118)及咳嗽(5/118)。结论 国产E是一种安全有效的治疗高血压急症用药,我们推荐静脉首选剂量2.5mg为宜。 【关键词】 依那普利拉 高血压,恶性 治疗结果
Effect of intravenous enalaprilat on severe essential hypertension GUO Jizhen, LU Decheng*, ZHAO Fuquan**, et al. Ruijin Hospital and Shanghai 9th Hospital of Shanghai Second Medical University, Shanghai 200025 Zhenjiang Medical College Affillated Hospital, Zhenjiang 212001 ** Yangzhou Medical College Affillated Hospital, Yangzhou 225000 【Abstract】 Objective To evaluate the acute antihypertensive effect and safety of intravenous administration of enalaprilat. Methods 172 patients with severe hypertension (DBP≥120 mm Hg, 118 male, 54 female, mean age 53±9 years old )were admitted to four hospitals which are in Shanghai, and Zhenjiang and Yangzhou in Jiangsu province. The study were divided into three groups: (1) Three different doses of enalaprilat (1.25mg, 2.5mg, 5mg)were injected by an intravenous bolus to 10 cases for each group to evaluate the appropriate dosage. (2) A comparison of enalaprilat (2.5mg iv )and phentolamin (5mg iv )in 54 for each group of severe hypertension. (3) The antihypertensive effect of continuous bolus injection of enalaprilat every 6 hours to 34 cases in 24 hours. Results (1) The bolus of 2.5 mg enalaprilat is the most appropriate dosage to decrease the severe hypertension. (2) After 1-24 hours,the blood pressure decreased significantly in both enalaprilat and phentolamin injection groups (P<0.05), more reductions of systolic blood pressure and distolic blood pressure were s[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 心房颤动患者经静脉体内电复律术后早期心房颤动复发及电生理机制的研究 下一个医学论文: 血管紧张素转换酶基因多态性与高血压左室肥厚的关系