病窦综合征转为持续性心房颤动对运动耐量和生活质量的影响 |
王兵 黄德嘉 陈小鸥 唐炯
【摘要】 目的 探讨心房颤动(房颤)病人在较好控制心室率后,房颤本身对运动耐量和生活质量有何影响。方法 选择无其它器质性心脏病证据的病态窦房结综合征患者,在安置VVI型心脏起搏器后,以无房颤的15例为对照,比较其与发生慢性房颤后较好控制心室率的15例患者在运动耐量和生活质量方面有无差异。结果 房颤组的基础心率、第一级运动后心率和最大心率均显著高于对照组(82.75±16.72和63.07±6.42次/分, P<0.01;114.08±12.03和82.67±12.03次/分, P<0.01; 152.17±42.32和96.25±18.49次/分, P<0.01)。两组的运动持续时间和代谢当量相近(15.10±2.92和15.78±2.53min, P>0.05; 8.08±1.73和8.25±1.22 MET , P>0.05)。房颤组和对照组的生活质量各维度评分相比,差异无显著性。躯体功能维度为36.58±2.84和36.83±2.86, P>0.05; 因躯体功能所致角色限制为8.08±2.38和7.17±1.53, P>0.05;因情感问题所致角色限制为7.17±1.08和7.6±1.61,P>0.05;社会功能为17.67±2.53和18.17±7.89,P>0.05;完好状态主观感觉为52.75±6.03和52.83±9.58, P>0.05;症状为15.08±1.73和15.58±2.39,P>0.05。结论 房颤组和对照组的运动耐量和生活质量相近,从这个意义上来讲,对这一特定类型的慢性房颤患者似无必要转复为窦律,房颤对这类病人远期预后的影响尚需进一步研究。 【关键词】 心房颤动 病窦综合征 心脏起搏,人工 生活质量
Effect of chronic atrial fibrillation on exercise tolerance and quality of life in paced patients with sick sinus syndrome Wang Bing, Huang Dejia, Chen Xiaoou, et al. First Affiliated Hospital, West China University of Medical Sciences, Chengdu 610041 【Abstract】 Objective It is still unknown if heart rate is controlled well how chronic atrial fibrillation (CAF) itself influences exercise tolerance and quality of life. Methods After VVI pacemaker implanted, 15 with CAF isolated sick sinus syndrome (SSS) patients and 15 sex, age and heart functional class matched without CAF isolated SSS patients were selected.Rest heart rate of CAF patients was below 90 beats/minute (bpm) after digoxin (0.125mg once daily), or digoxin (0.125mg once daily) and metoprolol (12.5mg twice daily), or digoxin (0.125mg once daily) and diltiazem (30mg three times daily) administrated. All these patients took treadmill exercise testing and finished modified SF-50 questionnaire. Results The levels of rest heart rate afte[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 心房扑动的心电生理特点及射频消融治疗 下一个医学论文: 胰岛素对体外培养的高血压病人血管平滑肌细胞c