2型糖尿病 糖耐量低减及糖尿病患者亲属胰岛 细胞功能变化的研究 |
han those in the non-obese subgroups in all 4 groups; (2)Subjects of IGT/IFG (Group C) had the highest levels of I and CP concentrations in the 4 groups. The I and CP concentrations of the diabetics (Group D) had a declining tendency compared with Group C, but the levels of the 3 hormones of Group D were still higher than those of group A and B respectively; (3)Either in the obese subgroups or in the non-obese subgroups, and either for the fasting or for the postprandial sera, the PI level was increased stepwisely from Group A→B→C→D; (4)Using PI/I or PI/CP ratio (%) as parameters, the diabetic group had the highest ratio of PI/I either in the obese or in the non-obese subgroup, and either in the fasting or the postprandial sera; (5)In the present study, the “disproportional” hyperproinsulinemia was defined when the calculated ratio of PI/I or PI/CP was higher than those of the control group by x±2s. The occurrence rate in the corresponding group of disproportional hyperproinsulinemia (for PI/I or PI/CP) of A, B, C, and D group were 6.1%、9.6%、27.3% and 61.7% or 10.2%、32.7%、30.3% and 44.4% respectively. Conclusion Disproportionately increased PI may be a part of the entity of β-cell dysfunction and might be one of the predictive markers of type 2 diabetes mellitus. 【Key words】 Diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent; Insulin; C-peptide; Proinsulin
一、对象 共观察215例。均为20~70岁之成人。按病史和血糖〔按美国糖尿病学会(ADA)建议的新诊断标准并参照1985年WHO标准〔2〕〕,将对象分为4组。 A组:糖耐量正常(NGT)对照组49例,空腹血糖<6.1 mmol/L或(及)口服75 g葡萄糖(或100 上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 2型糖尿病家系一级亲属非糖尿病同胞血糖 胰岛素和C 下一个医学论文: 胰岛素抵抗是糖耐量正常人群糖耐量恶化的最重要危险因素