2型糖尿病家系一级亲属非糖尿病同胞血糖 胰岛素和C |
those of control (P=0.0026 and 0.000 2 respectively). Further investigation for <40 yr and ≥40 yr subgroups showed that the differences between FDR and control were revealed in ≥40 yr subgroup in which plasma glucose (PG)、 INS and C-peptide (CP) levels were higher than those of control in addition to the similar changes of HOMA-B and FPG in the whole group comparison. These changes were mainly revealed in the 40~60 yr subgroup and in the BMI 22~27 subgroup. Conclusion The INS action and INS secretion in FDR non-diabetic individuals of type 2 diabetes pedigrees slightly decrease before appearance of IGT, especially in the members over 40 yr. 【Key words】 Diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent; Pedigree; Insulin; C-peptide; First degree relatives
现已明确,2型糖尿病(DM)具有明显的家族聚集性〔1,2〕,DM 患者的家族成员 发生DM和糖耐量低减(IGT)的机会远高于非DM患者的家族成员。近年发现DM患者的子女及其一级亲属(一级亲)有胰岛素(INS)抵抗倾向〔3,4〕,但对2型DM发病初是否存在原发性β细胞功能减退仍有争论。国外少数研究提示2型DM患者的非DM而糖耐量减退的一级亲中存在INS分泌异常〔5〕。本研究对2型DM家系一级亲的血糖、INS、C-肽水平和INS作用及分泌的简易指标等8个参数水平比较旨在进一步明确中国人2型DM家系成员中是否存在这些变化,以便进一步认识2型DM的遗传机制。
表1 两组群体的一般临床情况比较(±s) Tab 1 Comparison of clinical characteristics between FDR and control groups (±s)
组别 Group 例数 n 年龄(岁) Age (years) 男/女 M/F BMI (kg/m2) WC (cm) HC (cm) FC (cm) 高血压 患病率Prevalence of hypertension 脑卒中 患病率 Prevalence of brain stroke 冠心病 患病率 Prevalence of CHD 血脂异常 患病率 Prevalence of dyslipidaemia FDR组 FDR group 347 45.58± 9.44* 0.89 23.73± 3.27 25.59 ±9.24 94.28 ±6.99 49.41 ±4.90 0.24 0.02 0.08 0.21 对照组 Control group 326 49.90± 11.15 0.72 23.69± 3.42 85.02± 10.77 94.95 ±7039 49.38 ±5.44 0.23 0.01 0.10 0.19
注:M:男 Male; F:女 Female; BMI:体重指数 Body mass index; WC:腰围 Wa上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: WHO与美国糖尿病学会糖尿病诊断标准异同的探讨 下一个医学论文: 2型糖尿病 糖耐量低减及糖尿病患者亲属胰岛 细胞功能变化的研究