大肠癌激光诱发荧光光谱诊断标准探讨 |
曹建彪 李世荣 高革 翟力平
【摘 要】 目的 研究用激光诱发自体荧光(LIF)诊断大肠癌的光谱诊断标准。方法 采用LIF技术对58例大肠癌标本进行了检测。结果 有53例(91.4%)癌标本主峰峰强度<5 500U,次峰峰强度<2 000U,波谷强度<1 800U;而相应的非癌对照组织主峰峰强度>11 000U,次峰峰强度>4 000U,波谷强度>3 800U。用该标准诊断大肠癌,敏感度91.4%,特异度100%,假阳性率0,假阴性率8.6%,阳性预示值100%,阴性预示值92.1%,符合率95.7%,约登指数0.91。结论 癌组织与非癌组织的LIF有明显差异,通过测定组织LIF主、次峰及波谷的峰强度,可有效区别癌与正常组织。 【关键词】 激光诱发自体荧光 大肠癌 诊断
Studies on the diagnostic criteria of colorectal carcinoma by laser-induced fluorescence
Cao Jianbiao,Li Shirong,Gao Ge,et al (Department of Gastroenterology,Beijing General Military Hospital,Beijing 100700)
【Abstract】 Objective To study the diagnostic criteria of colorectal carcinoma by the technique of laser-induced fluorescence(LIF).Methods 58 surgically removed specimens of colorectal cancer with surrounding non-cancer tissues were detected by LIF.Results Of the 58 cancer specimens,53(91.4%) had the intensities of the first and second wave peak and the trough lower than 5 500U, 2 000U and 1 800U,respectively; but in the control tissues, they were>11 000U, >4 000U, >3 800U,respectively.If these data were regarded as diagnostic criteria of colorectal carcinoma,the sensitivity,specificity,false positive rate,false negative rate,positive predicative value,negative predictive value,and coincidence rate attained 91.4%, 100%, 0, 8.6%, 100%, 92.1% and 95.7%, respectively and Youden's index was 0.91.Conclusion There was obvious difference between cancer and non-cancer tissues on their LIF.These results suggest that neoplastic tissues can be diffrentiated from non-neoplastic tissues by detecting intensities of the first and second wave peak and the trough. 【Key words】 Laser-induced fluorescence Colorectal carcinoma Diagnosis
近年来, 我国大肠癌的发病率呈明显增加趋势, 严重威胁着人们的生命和健康。大肠癌早期无任何症状, 临床诊断的病例多属中、 晚期, 5年存活率不超过50%, 因此早期诊断大肠癌成为一个很困难又很必要的研究课题。结肠镜检查是目前确诊大肠癌最有效的手段, 但操作过程中主要凭借医生的经验进行活检, 带有一定的盲目性, 早期病变容易漏诊、 误诊。激光诱发自体荧光(laser-induced fluorescence,LIF)理论上[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 血 尿 腹水 型前胶原肽联合检测在肝脏疾病中的诊断价值 下一个医学论文: 肺血栓栓塞症患者肝素剂量 浓度与APTT关系初步探讨