糖尿病患者血浆一氧化氮水平与血液动力学变化关系的研究 |
王瑞英 吴文成 刘文淑 葛秀兰
【摘要】 目的 为了研究血管内皮细胞合成分泌的血管活性物质一氧化氮(NO)在糖尿病人及血管并发症中的变化。方法 用高效液相色谱测定了74例糖尿病病人和30例正常人血浆NO水平,同时测定甲襞微循环血流及经颅多普勒血流。结果 (1)糖尿病组血浆NO水平明显低于对照组〔(2 268.67±783.03)ng/ml对(2 923.00±544.91)ng/ml,P<0.01〕;伴血管并发症的病人较无并发症的病人血浆NO水平亦有减低〔(2 101.04±780.08)ng/ml对(2 767.55±590.15)ng/ml,P<0.01〕,随着血管并发症的增多,血浆NO的水平也随之降低。(2)甲襞微循环总积分糖尿病组较对照组增高(P<0.01);血流速度明显减慢(P<0.01)、颅底动脉血流速度明显高于对照组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。(3)糖尿病病人血浆NO与微循环血流速度呈直线正相关(r=0.30,P<0.01),NO与颅底动脉血流速度呈负相关(r=-0.75,r=-0.89,r=-0.89,P<0.01)。结论 说明NO在DM及并发症中起重要作用,可影响糖尿病病人的血流动力学,NO水平降低同糖尿病血管并发症有关,其水平高低在一定程度上反映了糖尿病及血管损伤的程度。 【关键词】 糖尿病 一氧化氮 糖尿病血管病变
Study on relationship between plasma level of nitric oxide and hemodynamic changes in diabetes mellitus
WANG Ruiying,WU Wencheng,LIU Wenshu,et al.
Department of Endocrinology,Second Affiliated Hospital,Hebei Medical University.Shijiazhuang,050000
【Abstract】 Objective To study the relationship between plasma level of nitric oxide (NO) and hemodynamic changes in diabetes mellitus (DM). Methods High performance liquid chromatography was used to study the alteration of NO in plasma of 74 DM and 30 normal subjects. Study of blood flow of nailfold microcirculation and measurement of blood flow by transcranial Doppler were also carried out. Results (1)The plasma NO concentration was found to be decreased in the patients with diabetes as compared with that of the control subjects 〔(2 268.67±783.03)ng/ml vs (2 923.00±544.91)ng/ml,P<0.01〕. It was decreased in diabetic patients with vascular complications as compared with those without complications (2 101.04±780.08)ng/ml vs (2 767.55±590.15)ng/ml,P<0.001〕. The NO level decreased with increase in vascular complications. (2)Blood flow velocity of nailfold microcirculation was found slowing down in patients with DM as compared with that of the control subjects (P<0.01). Blood flow velocity detected by transcranial [1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 中西医结合治疗急性病毒性心肌炎疗效观察 下一个医学论文: 从猪脑中提取纯化谷氨酸脱羧酶的研究