整合蛋白 5亚基表达与肝癌恶性表型 |
Correlation between the integrin α5 subunit expression and malignant phenotypes of human hepatocellular carcinoma 姚(日文) 周信达 查锡良 施达仁 傅剑 贺建宇 陆洪芬 汤钊猷 Yao Min, Zhou Xinda, Zha Xiliang, et al
【摘要】 目的 探讨整合蛋白α5亚基与原发性肝癌的关系。方法 应用免 疫组化技术(ABC法)和Northern blot杂交检测整合蛋白α5亚基在原发性肝癌中 的表达。结果 发现在79例癌与癌周组织α5阳性率分别为32.9%和81.0%,两者 间差异有显著性(P<0.01)。直径≤5 cm的肝癌α5阳性率高于直径>10 cm的肝癌 (55.6%比10.0%,P<0.01),分化较好的肝癌α5阳性率高于分化不良者(40.6%比 16.0%,P<0.05),已发生明确肝内转移(包括肝内播散和门静脉癌栓形成)的肝癌 α5阳性率低于未发生肝内转移者(20.6%比42.2%,P<0.05)。α5亚基表达与患者 年龄、血清甲胎蛋白水平、乙型肝炎病毒感染、肝硬化有无等因素均无明显相关 (P>0.05)。Northern blot杂交结果也同时显示,非侵袭性肝癌α5表达高于侵 袭性肝癌。结论 整合蛋白α5低表达与肝癌增大、分化程度低、侵袭转移发生等 恶性表型相关,可能对这些恶性表型起负性调节作用。 【关键词】 癌,肝细胞 细胞粘附分子
Correlation between the integrin α5 subunit expression and malignant phenotypes of human hepatocellular carcinoma Yao Min*, Zhou Xinda, Zha Xiliang, et al. *Liver Cancer Institute, Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200032
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the relation between integrin α5 subunit and malignant phenotypes of hepatocellular carcinoma. Methods Seventy-nine formalin-fixed sections and ten blocks of fresh HCC tissue were obtained. The integrin α5 subunit was measured with immunohistochemistry assay (ABC method) and Northern blot analysis. Results In 79 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, tumor tissue had lower expression than adjacent non-tumor tissue (32.9% vs 81.0%, P?.01). The α5 positive rate in small HCC was higher than large HCC (55.6% vs 10.0%, P?.05). HCC with good differentation and capsulation and without intrahepatic metastasis expressed higher α5 than those with poor differentiation, no capsulation and intrahepatic metastasis. Similar result is also confirmed by Northern blot analysis. Conclusion Ou[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 肝癌患者周围血白蛋白mRNA检测 下一个医学论文: 对腹泻病因构成比例变迁及对策的浅议