肝癌患者周围血白蛋白mRNA检测 |
and 100%(6 of 6) in stage ⅣB. These results showed a strong correlation between the positive rate of albumin mRNA and the clinical stages. Furthermore, the positive rate of albumin mRNA was significantly higher (92%, 12 of 13) in the patients of HCC complicated with extrahepatic metastasis than those without (25%, 2 of 8), P=0.0032. There was no significant difference in the positive rate of albumin mRNA between the patients with high level (>200 μg/L) and low level (? μg/L) of serum α-fetoprotein (AFP) (50%, 5 of 10 and 78%, 7 of 9, respectively), P>0.05. Except one with acute hepatitis, there were no positive result in the other 21 patients without HCC. Conclusion It is suggested that the presence of albumin mRNA in the peripheral blood may indicate the possibility of micrometastasis in patients with HCC. The detection of albumin mRNA is also useful in the prediction of the prognosis. Further, it may play a supplementary role in the diagnosis of HCC with low level of serum AFP. 【Key words】 Carcimoma, hepatocellular RNA, messenger
原发性肝细胞性肝癌(HCC)是最常见的消化道恶性肿瘤之一,估计每年约有25万 人死于该病,未治疗的晚期HCC患者的平均生存时间不超过4个月[1],早期发现、 及时手术根治可延长患者寿命。然而HCC的切除术后及肝移植术后的复发率却很高 (50%~70%)[2],究其原因可能是术前HCC已发生微小转移而临床上又未能被发现。 血源性播散是HCC肝外转移的主要方式,所以在治疗前发现HCC有无血源播散显得非 常重要。但是,由于恶性细胞在循环血中的量非常少,用形态学方法在周围血中寻 找恶性细胞极为困难[3]。近年来,一些国外学者已陆续报道将具有高度敏感技 术——逆转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)方法用于查找周围血肿瘤细胞,但有关肝癌 方面的文献却很少,国内尚未见报道。
我们采用RT-PCR技术对HCC患者的周围血白蛋白mRNA进行了检测,试图对 HCC患者的微小转移、评估HCC患者的预后等方面作一些探讨。
HCC患者21例,男20例,女1例,平均年龄52岁。对照组22例,男17例, 女5例,平均年龄47岁。按其临床特点分5组。
1.A组:HCC患者21例,根据病理、典型临床表现、B型超声、CT或核磁共 振成像(MRI)等检查结果而诊断。HCC分期按国际抗癌联盟规定的TNM分期[4]。
5.E组:正上一页 [1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: nm23 下一个医学论文: 整合蛋白 5亚基表达与肝癌恶性表型