功能性消化不良的胆囊排空功能及西沙必利的应用研究 |
Gallbladder emptying in patients with functional dyspepsia: improvementof gallbladder motility with cisapride 樊艳华 窦艳玲 戴希真 董恩钰 张 岚 Fan Yanhua, Dou Yanling, Dai Xizhen, et al
【摘要】 目的 研究功能性消化不良(FD)的胆囊排空功能以及西沙必利在此中的作用。 方法 对91例FD患者与30名健康对照者于空腹和试餐后B超检查测算胆囊容积、胃面积和胆 囊排空率(GBEF)。结果 约1/3 FD患者存在胆囊排空功能低下,FD组GBEF明显低于正常组, 且其速度慢,其中GBEFmax分别为64.8%±18.2%与77.7%±16.1%,P<0.001。FD组30例(33.0%) 胆囊排空功能低下者经西沙必利治疗后胆囊排空功能改善,GBEFmax由49.2%±19.4%增为 63.3%±12.4%,P<0.01。治疗后患者症状明显减轻。结论 研究表明约1/3的FD患者胆囊排 空功能低下,西沙必利可改善此类患者的症状及胆囊功能。 【关键词】 消化不良 胆囊排空 西沙必利
Gallbladder emptying in patients with functional dyspepsia: improvement of gallbladder motility with cisapride Fan Yanhua, Dou Yanling, Dai Xizhen, et al. Department of Gastroenterology, China-Japan Friendship Hospital, Beijing 100029 【Abstract】 Objective To study gallbladder emptying in patients with functional dyspepsia (FD) and to know whether cisapride can improve the emptying. Methods Gastric and gallbladder emptying were evaluated by means of real-time ultrasonography (RUS) in 91 FD patients and in 30 normal subjects. Serial RUS scans were made at fast and every 20 (first hour) or 30 (second hour) minutes after a liquid meal for 2 hours. Cisapride was given to treat the patients with hypokinetic gallbladder emptying for 1 to 2 weeks. Results (1)Gallbladder ejection fraction (GBEF) in FD patients was much lower and slower than that in normal subjects. The GBEFmax was 64.8%±18.2% in the FD group and 77.7%±16.1% in the normal group (P?.001). Thirty patients (33.0%) were considered to have hypokinetic gallbladder emptying as GBEF60 and GBEFmax in these patients were 2s above the normal group. (2) 25 patients were found with delayed gastric emptying and 11 of them (44.0%) also with hypokinetic gallbladder emptying. The[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 钮扣式补片治疗先天性室间隔缺损 下一个医学论文: nm23