钮扣式补片治疗先天性室间隔缺损 |
Outcome and follow-up of occlusion of congenital ventricular spetal defect with buttoned device 黄涛 陈传荣 黄亦高 梁慷 张斌 Huang Tao, Chen Chuanrong, Huang Yigao, et al
【摘要】 目的 探讨经皮钮扣式补片法治疗先天性室间隔缺损(VSD)的可行性及经验。 方法 膜周型VSD 11例,干下型VSD 2例,肌部VSD 1例,应用Sideris钮扣式补片法治疗。 结果 成功10例,均为膜周型VSD,失败4例。手术成功患者术后造影左向右分流消失或减 弱,随访3个月至3年,彩色多普勒血流显像证实VSD闭合,失败4例,除了1例室缺口直径较 原先增大外,无其他手术并发症。结论 钮扣式补片法对治疗VSD是可行的。 【关键词】 室间隔缺损 心脏导管插入术
Outcome and follow-up of occlusion of congenital ventricular spetal defect with buttoned device Huang Tao, Chen Chuanrong, Huang Yigao, et al. Guangdong Cardiovascular Disease Institute, Guangzhou 510800 【Abstract】 Objective To explore the possibility and experiences of using catheter base buttoned device to occlude congenital ventricular septal (VSD). Methods 14 cases of VSD, including 11 cases of membranous defect, 2 cases of supracristal defect and 1 case of muscular defect, were catheterized for closures of VSD with buttoned device. Results 10 cases of membranous defect were successfully closured with buttoned device, in which there was no or minimal angiographic left-to-right shunt. 4 cases were failed. During a 3~36 months follow-up, all patients remained cardiac functional class I. Color Doppler echocardiography showed no or minimal left-to-right shunt. No complication occurred except one case whose size of ventricular septal defect was larger as detected by left ventricular angiography. All patients discharged 2~4 days after the procedures. Conclusion The clinical application of catheter base to closure VSD is feasable in selective cases. Our prelimenary results suggest that the method is safe, less traumatic and free from surgical operations. 【Key words】 Heart septal defects, ventricular Heart catheterization
1988年Lock等[1]首次报道经导管关闭先天性室间隔缺损(VSD),1989年Sideris 等[2]采[1] [2] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 长期生存急性早幼粒细胞白血病患者微小残留病变的测定 下一个医学论文: 功能性消化不良的胆囊排空功能及西沙必利的应用研究