【摘要】 目的 探讨肺癌放疗新方法,提高治愈率,降低转移率。方法 对48~80岁8例非小细胞肺癌患者采用常规外照射加同步适形放疗,每周1、3、5适形放疗,每次5 Gy,共6次,DT:30 Gy。每周2、4普通外照射,每日1次,每次2 Gy,普放、适形同步结束后,继续普放至DT:40 Gy/20次结束。放疗中剂量达到20 Gy,适形结束和普放结束分别进行CT或X线片检查,了解病灶缩小的时间和程度。采用同期普放的5例和后程适形1例共6例非小细胞肺癌作初步对照,观察他们的病情变化情况。结果 (1)同步组放疗病人均可耐受,治疗期间无特殊反应。(2)同步组并未增加放射性食管炎和放射性肺炎的发生率。(3)同步组较普放组在肿瘤缩小的时间上提前1~2周,程度上也明显好于普放组。结论 对非小细胞肺癌采用普放加适形放疗同步进行,未增加放射反应,疗效好,值得临床推广应用。
【关键词】 非小细胞肺癌;放疗;照射
Clinical study on conventional radiotherapy combined with synchronized conformal radiotherapy for non small cell lung cancer
CAI Ying-quan,LI Liang,WANG Qian,et al.Tumor Hospital of Shanxi,Xi’an 710061,China
[Abstract] Objective To explore the new radiotherapy for non small cell lung cancer aimed at improving the rate of curation and lowering the rate of metastasis.Methods Eight cases of patients with NSCLC aged from 48~80 were treated by contional RT combined with synchronized conformal RT.On Monday,Wednesday and Friday patients were treated by conformal 5 Gy/f and by conventional RT once daily,DT:2 Gy/f.After the conformal RT combined with conventional RT was completed,the patients were treated by conventional RT to DT: 40 Gy /20f.when DT was 20 Gy,when conformal RT was over when conventional RT was completed the patients were examined by CT or X-ray to evaluate the time and the degree of the tumor’s reduction.Five cases who were treated by synchronized conventional RT and 1 case who was treated by later course conformal RT were observed to detect the changes of the tumor.Results (1)Synchronized RT was tolerable to all patients.There was no special effect during RT.(2)There was no increasing of radioesophagitis and radio pneumonia in the group of synchronized RT.(3)The tumor’s reduction in the group o
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