【摘要】 目的 探讨红藻氨酸(KA)致癫痫和迷走神经刺激抗癫痫的作用机制。方法 把动物分为KA组、迷走神经刺激+KA组和对照组。每只大鼠的延髓尾段切片分为5套。第1、2套切片分别入兔抗GluR5或小鼠抗GABAAR血清,用ABC法进行免疫组化染色,观察孤束核内GluR5和GABAAR阳性结构的变化;第3~5套切片分别用于替代对照或Nissl染色。结果 (1)对照组动物的孤束核内可见中等密度的GluR5样和GABAA受体β亚单位(GABAARβ)阳性神经元、神经纤维和末梢;(2)KA组动物孤束核内GluR5阳性结构的密度增加,而GABAARβ阳性结构的密度降低;(3)迷走神经刺激(VNS)+KA组动物孤束核内的GluR5和GABAARβ阳性结构的密度变化与KA组相反,即GluR5阳性结构减少和GABAARβ阳性结构增加。结论 孤束核内的谷氨酸受体和GABAA受体在KA致癫痫和VNS抗癫痫过程中可能发挥着重要的作用。Influence of vagus nerve stimulation upon glutamate receptor and GABAA receptor in nucleus tract solitary of the kainate induced epileptic rat
Department of Neurology, Zhongshan Hospital,Shanghai Medical University, Shanghai 200032, China
【Abstract】 Objective To clarify the influence of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) upon glutamate receptor (GluR) and GABAA receptor positive structures in the nucleus tract solitary (NTS) of the kainate (KA) induced epileptic rat.Methods All rats were divided into KA group, vagus nerve stimulation+KA group and the control group. The sections of the caudel medullary oblongata from each rat of every group were collected into 5 sets. The first and second sets of the sections were used to process for immunohistochemical staining by using specific rabbit and mouse antibodies against GluR5 and GABAAR and to observe the changes of GluR5 and GABAAR positive structures in the NTS. The third to fifth sets of the sections were used for control tests and Nissl′s staining.Results (1) In control group, medium density of GluR5-like immunoreactive (GluR5-LI) and GABAA receptor β chain (GABAARβ)-LI neuronal cell bodies, fibers and terminals were observed in the NTS; (2) In KA group, the density of GluR5-LI positive structures were increased, while the density of GABAARβ-LI positive structures were decreased; (3) In VNS+KA group, the changes were contrary to the KA group, showing, the density of GluR5-LI positive structures we
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