摘 要:目的 探讨抑郁症患者睡眠行为及睡眠生理的变化。方法 采用调查表对32例抑郁症患者的睡眠行为障碍和睡眠生理进行调查,检测其全夜多导睡眠图,并与21名正常人进行对照。结果 (1)抑郁症组的入睡困难、早醒、睡眠维持障碍及睡眠过多的发生率高于对照组(P<0.05~0.01);(2)与对照组比较,抑郁症组存在睡眠潜伏期长[(36.1±17.2) min],醒觉时间、觉醒次数、醒觉睡眠比高,睡眠效率和睡眠维持率低(P<0.05~0.01),快速眼动睡眠潜伏期短[(61.8±31.2) min]等。结论 抑郁症患者存在睡眠行为与睡眠生理相一致的异常改变,其睡眠障碍的病理机制可能同源于抑郁症的发病机制。A study on the behavioral and physiologic dysfunction of sleep in depressive patients
YU Haiying CUI Shu WANG Hong
(The Third Psychiatry Department, the PLA 102nd Hospital, the PLA Mental Health Center, Chang Zhou 213003,China)
Abstract:Objective To explore the behavioral and physiologic changes of sleep in the depressive patients.Methods Sleep behavior and all night polysomnographic recordings were performed in 32 depressive patients and 21 normal controls.Results (1)Compared with control group, the incidences of sleep continuity disturbance, early awake, hypersomnia and difficulty falling asleep in patient group were significant increased (P<0.05~0.01). (2)REM latency was shorter in patients than that in controls; and slow wave sleep, sleep efficiency, sleep maintenance in patient group were markedly decreased (P<0.05~0.01); while the awake duration, arousal times, sleep stage, rate of awake/asleep were increased in patient group (P<0.05~0.01). The average duration in III and IV stages was [(9.1±1.3)%] and the duration in I stage was [(14.8±2.8) %].Conclusions It is consistent the behavioral disorders of sleep with the physiologic dysfunction in depression, and the pathogenesis of sleep disturbance may result from the etiology of depression.
Key words:Depression; Sleep disorders; Polysomnography▲
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