孙颖浩 王林辉 钱松溪 临床泌尿外科杂志 2000年第6期第15卷
摘要 目的:探讨经尿道前列腺电气化术(TVP)中出现闭孔神经和阴茎勃起反射的有关问题。方法:采用TVP治疗前列腺增生症(BPH)156例。结果:术中分别出现闭孔神经反射和阴茎勃起反射8例(5.1%)和7例(4.5%),均发生于气化电极接近神经分支和气化电流较强时。结论:高频电流中混有低频电流是引起术中神经反射的主要原因,气化电流的大小决定此类反射发生与否。
Nervi obturatorius reflex and penis erection reflex in the process
of transurethral electrovaporization of the prostate
SUN Ying-hao WANG Lin-hui QIAN Song-xi
ZAO Jin-xing LIAO Guo-xiang XU Chuan-liang
(Department of Urology,the Affiliated Changhai Hospital,Second Military Medical University,Shanghai,200433)
Abstract Purpose:To evaluate the possible mechanism of nervi obturatorius reflex and penis erection reflex appeared in the operation of electrovaporization of the prostate (TVP) and investigate the preventive measures against the reflexes.Methods:The clinical data of 156 cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) treated with TVP were summarized.Results:Nervi obturatorius reflex and penis erection reflex appeared in 8 (5.1%) and 7 (4.5%) patients respectively.These reflexes were all appeared when the electrovaporization probe was near the branch of the nervi and the electrovaporization electricity was higher.Conclusions:The main reason of the appearence of the reflexes is lower frequence electricity mixed into high frequence one.The power of the electrovaporization electricity determines the appearence of the reflexes.More attention must be paid to the reflexes in order to avoid perforation of bladder wall or prostate capsule.
Key words Prostatic hypertrophy Prostatectomy Obturator nerve Penile erection Reflex,abnormal
1 临床资料
本组156例,年龄53~89岁,平均69.5岁。大多数患者有较为典型的BPH所致的膀胱颈梗阻症状,其中肉眼血尿26例,尿路感染39例,并发脑梗塞6例,糖尿病21例,高血压47例。所有患者均经直肠指检、腔内B超或CT、膀胱镜检查确诊,其中Ⅰ度增生84例,Ⅱ度增生50例,Ⅲ度增生22例。所有患者均行TVP,气化功率为200~300 W,电凝功率为40~60 W。
2 结果
2.1 闭孔神经反射
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