摘 要:目的 搜寻中国汉族人X染色体上的心境障碍( MD)易患性基因,探讨DNA DXS1113 多态性与MD的关系及遗传学特征。方法 运用扩增片段长度多态性(Amp-FLP)检测技术,分析80例MD患者DXS1113 二核苷酸串联重复序的多态性分布,并以80名正常人作为对照。结果 在对照组和MD组中检出12种DXS1113多态性片段,MD组与对照组之间有4种片段(158 bp、168 bp、170 bp、174 bp)的差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论 DXS1113与MD关联,提示中国汉族人X染色体长臂(Xq27.3-q28) 可能存在MD易患性基因。Polymorphisms of microsatellate DNA DXS1113 and mood disorders
WU Huaian ZHANG Yifan SHEN Qijie
(Department of Biological Psychiatry, Shenzhen Institute of Mental Health, Shenzhen 518020, China)
Abstract:Objective Search for a gene predisposing to mood disorders (MD)on chromosome X in the Han nationality of Chinese, to explore the relationship between DXS1113 polymorphism with MD and feature of the genetics.Methods The dinucleotide repeat polymorphism distribution of DXS1113 for 80 patients with MD was examined by amplified fragment length polymorphism (Amp-FLP) examination technique. The control group consisted of 80 unrelated normal Chinese individuals.Results There was 12 alleles of DXS1113 among the patient and the normal controls. The results of statistical handing showed that four alleles (158 bp, 168 bp, 170 bp, 174 bp) was significant different (P<0.05) between patient and normal scontrols.Conclusion The results of this study demonstrate that the DXS1113 is association with affective disorder in the Hna nationality of Chinese. This results suggest that there was a mood disorders liability gene on X chromosome (Xq27.3-q28) in Chinese samples.
Key words:DNA,satellite; Polymorphism, amplified fragment length; Affective disorders,psychotic▲
情感性精神障碍是常见的精神疾病,亦称心境障碍(mood disorders, MD)。家系调查双生子及寄养子研究资料均提示,MD有较强的遗传倾向[1]。 近年来我国7地区调查资料显示,MD时点患病率为0.52‰。终生患病率为0.83‰[2]。由于MD病因未明,其病因学和遗传学一直是研究者观注热点。深入研究MD的发病原因,探测MD遗传机制仍是当今精神医学和医学遗传学的重大课题。为此,我们用扩增片段长度多态性(Amplified fragment length polymorphism, Amp-FLP)技术对DNA DXS1113 多态性与MD进行关联分析,现将结果报道于下。
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