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TGF 信号转导通路与肺纤维化

n-induced pulmonary fibrosis. Exp Mol Pathol, 2000;69:67~6811.Attisano L, Wrana, JL. Smads as transcriptional co-modulators [J].   Curr Opin Cell Biol, 2000;12:235~24312.Verrecchia F, Mauviel A. Control of connective tissue gene expression by TGF beta: role of Smad proteins in fibrosis. Curr Rheurnatol Rep, 2002;4(2):143~14913. Verrecchia F, Mauviel A. Transforming growth factor-beta signaling through the Smad pathway: role in extrscellular matrix gene expression and regulation. J Invest Dermatol, 2002;118(2):211~21514.Massague J, Wotton D. EMBO J,2000;19:1745~175415.Attisano L, Tuen Lee-Hoeflich S.Genome Biol,2001;2:REVIEWS301016. Massague J. TGF-beta signal transduction[J]. Annu Rev Biochem, 1998;67:75317.Laping N J, Grygielko E, Mathur A, Butter S, Bomberger J, Tweed C, Martin W, Fornwald J, Lehr R, Harling J, Gaster L, Callahan J F, Olson B A. Molecular Pharmacology, 2002;(1):58~6418.Robert A B, Piek E, Gillian Ashcroft E P, et al. Chest,2001;120:343~34719.Correia J J, Chacko B M, Lam S S, Lin K. Biochem, 2001;40:1473~148220.Bonniaud P, Kilb M, Galt T, et al. Smad3 null mice develop airspace enlargement and are resistant to TGF-beta-mediated pulmonary fibrosis. Journal of Immunology,2004;173(3):2099~210821.Dooley S, Delvoux B, Streckert M, et al. FEBS Lett,2001;502(1~2):422.Lee D K, Park S H, Yi Y, et al. Genes Dev, 2001;15(4):455  

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