护生的护士专业形象塑造与研究 |
护生的护士专业形象塑造与研究 摘 要:为了培养护生塑造美好的护士专业形象,从整体上提高护生的素质。对在校学习的1、2年级护理专业学生进行护士专业形象、礼仪、面试成功技巧、身体各部位的健美方法和交际舞基本的训练和教育。采取教师示范,学生分组练习、表演,再由教师指导的方法。每项内容都进行考核,并在全部内容结束后举行表演比赛,评出一、二、三等奖。结果,护生能掌握和熟知所学内容,训练前、后比较有显著性和非常显著性差异(P<0.05或P<0.01)。对护生进行护士专业形象训练,不仅增强了护生对护理专业的了解和热爱,而且塑造出美好的护士专业形象;同时增强了护生的竞争意识和竞争能力。 关键词:护士专业形象 礼仪 训练
Training and Study of Nurse s Professional Images of Nursing Students
Liang Xiaoli Faculty of Nursing Sciences, Chenzhou Higher Medical Training School, Chenzhou 423000
Abstract:In order to train nursing students to develop good nurses professional images and improve the whole quality, the nursing students of Grade 1 and 2 with nursing speciality underwent the training and teaching in nurses professional images, etiquette, successful skill in an oral quiz, body building and basic steps of social dancing. The methods applied were as follows: First demonstration by teachers, then training and performance by the students, finally guidance by the teachers. Each content was checked and the exhibition match was held at the end of the training. The prize of first, second and third levels was given. The results showed that the nursing students could master and know intimately the learned contents with the difference before and after training being significant (P<0.05 or P<0.01). The training of professional images on the nursing students could not only enhance the understanding and love of nursing students to nursing speciality, but also develop good nurses professional images. Simultaneously, the competitive idea and ability of the nursing students is strengthened. Key words:nurse s professional images etiquette training
1 对象与方法
1.1 对象 在校学习的506名1、2年级护理专业学生,大、中专两个层次,年龄15~21岁,平均17.5岁[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 浅谈卡托普利引起的咳嗽 下一个医学论文: 护理论文的写作过程