140例牙龈自发性出血的诊断与应急治疗 |
The Diagnosis and Emergency Theraputics for 140 Gingival AutoBleeding Cases
TONG Qingchun, XU Hui-li, SHEN Jie
(Department of Stomatology, Central Hospital of Jiading, Shanghai 201800,China)Abstract: Objective To investigate the reason of the gingival autobleeding, and to find the emergency theraputics method to treat the patients who have the disease.Methods We selected 140 gingival autobleeding patients to analyse their bleeding reasons, and the main treatment was to press the gingiva papilla interdental with cotton rolls. Meanwhile, we also use antibiotic and coagulant to cure parts of the illness who needed.Results Results The clinical data showed gingivitis or paradentitis caused 84 cases gingival autobleeding, it was the main reason, and to press the gingiva papilla interdental with cotton rolls made the bleeding of 135 patients stoped.Conclusion The main reason of the gingival autobleeding was gingivit is or paradentitis, and the pressure mathod can play a very important role in the treatment.Key words: Gingvial bleeding; Auto; Emergency theraputics; Diagnosis&nbs[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 诺保思泰 阿加曲班 在心血管系统疾病中的应用 下一个医学论文: SLE活动期患者CD 62p PMA的表达