Wegener肉芽肿病CD4 CD28 T细胞的免疫表型及功能的研究 |
王国春 王晓娣 Csernok E Gross WL
【摘 要】 目的 研究Wegener肉芽肿病(Wegener′s granulomatosis,WG)协同刺激分子(costimul atory molecules,CosM)CD28/CTLA-4-CD80/CD86的表达以及CD4+CD28-T细胞的免疫 表型特征和功能。方法 CosM的表达用FACS多参数分析测定。CD4 +CD28-T细胞与不同刺激剂共同培养后测定其增生反应的程度及细胞因子的分泌。结果 WG外周血中CD4+CD28-T细胞明显增多。它们表达CD25、CD38 、CD45RO、HLA-DR以及CD86显著增加,且对自身抗原蛋白酶-3的刺激呈明显增生反应。在 抗原提呈细胞(antigen presenting cell,APC)及抗CD3共同作用下,CD4+CD28-T细 胞的增生活跃,但这种增生反应不能被CTLA-4 Ig、抗CD80及抗CD86所抑制。CD4+CD28 -T细胞分泌IFN-γ的量明显高于CD4+CD28-T细胞。另外,CD4+CD28-T细胞 还能诱导正常CD4+T细胞的活化和增生。结论 WG CD4+CD28 -T细胞明显增多,它们可能是一类已被活化的自身反应性T细胞,主要分泌Th1型细胞因 子且具有APC样功能。 【关键词】 韦格纳肉芽肿病 协同刺激分子 T淋巴细胞 亚群 免疫表型分型
Phenotypical and funcitonal properties of CD4+CD28--T cells in We gener′s granulomatosis
WANG Guochun,WANG Xiaodi,Csernok E,et al.Chin a-Japan Friendship Hospital,Beijing 100029
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the expr ession of costimulatory molecules (CosM) CD28/CTLA-4-CD80/CD86,and to analyze the phenotypic and functional features of CD4+CD28--T cells in patients w ith Wegener′s granulomatosis (WG).Methods The expression of CD 28,CTLA-4,CD80 and CD86 was measured by multiparameter flow cytometer.CD4+CD 28--T cells and CD4+CD28+-T cells from the peripheral blood of WG pat ients were cultured with different stimuli,and proliferation and cytokine produc tion were assessed.Results CD28--T cells in WG were increased,which were mainly CD4+-T subset when compared with healthy controls.CD4 +CD28--T cells expressed high levels of lymphocyte activation markers such as CD25,CD38,CD45RO,HLA-DR,as well as CosM ligand CD86.CD4+CD28--T cells exhibited increased proliferation response following stimulation with autoantig en proteinase-3 compared to CD4+CD28+-T cells.Furthermore,anti-CD3-sti mulated proliferation of CD4+CD28--T cells could be enhanced in the prese nce of antigen presenting cells (APC).However,this proliferation response can no t be blocked by CTLA-4 Ig,anti-CD8[1] [2] [3] 下一页 上一个医学论文: 系统性硬皮病血管内皮细胞损伤的研究 下一个医学论文: 原发性干燥综合征死亡原因及相关因素分析